Assessment Task 1: Questions
Student Assessment Instructions
- This is a written All questions must be answered for this assessment.
- This written assessment will need to be completed again if it is incomplete or without satisfactory performance, after further training support. This may be to focus on question areas not achieved in the prior attempt at the assessment.
- The written assessment may be re-attempted on two further occasions (maximum of three attempts).
- This is an open book
- Respond to all questions in the spaces
- You must answer all questions correctly for this assessment to be completed Ask your assessor to clarify any aspect you are unsure about in this assessment task.
Required Resources
- You will need to have access to relevant legislation, standards and codes, industry
- You must submit the completed assessment cover sheet and your answers to your assessor, either by handing in written responses or by online submission within the allocated
- Ensure you keep a copy of your submitted Assessments submitted without a completed cover sheet will not be accepted.
When and where will this assessment take place?
- Your assessor will provide you with the due date, which can be recorded in the assessment
- Your assessor may also specify the length of time allowed and the expected word count, if
What if the assessment is not suitable?
- If you are unable to provide sufficient evidence with the written assessment method, your assessor may be able to provide you with an alternative Discuss this with your assessor.
What happens if your answers are not satisfactory?
- If any of the assessment responses are not satisfactory, your assessor will provide you with feedback. You may need to resubmit some or all the questions. Your assessor will explain the details for your
- In most cases, you will be allowed a maximum of three
- If you are not satisfied with your assessment result, you have the right to lodge an appeal. Ask your assessor or contact the Course Coordinator for more
Question 1 | Provide two methods of collecting information for a case management plan about the person’s needs and goals. |
Question 2 | Provide two considerations of evidence-based practice. |
Question 3 | Describe the aim of the strengths-based approach to case management. |
Question 4 | Describe the emphasis of the rights-based approach to case management. |
Question 5 | Describe what the person-centred approach to case management relies on. |
Question 6 | Describe two aspects of immediate needs in the needs-based approach to case management. |
Question 7 | In order to effectively utilise case management processes, list two underpinning requirements that must be adhered to. |
Question 8 | Provide one situation where mandatory reporting applies. |
Question 9 | Describe one way the Australian Privacy Principles impact case management information. |
Question 10 | Describe one way confidentiality impacts case management information. |
Question 11 | Provide two examples of what a policy may apply to regarding case management. |
Question 12 | The Australian Community Practice Guidelines 2.3 explains a worker’s role in handling complaints. What does the guideline require you to do in regards to a client’s right to make a complaint, and how would you implement this? |
Question 13 | Provide one example of an area in community services where a statutory mandate applies. |
Question 14 | Provide one example of how you can facilitate a person in goal-setting and participation. |
Question 15 | Provide a brief explanation of the social cognitive theory of behavioural change. |
Question 16 | Provide an example of how the planned behaviour theory may be put into practice. |
Question 17 | Provide one example of a restricted practice that may be used in a non-voluntary intervention. |
Question 18 | Describe one way that you can work with a person without imposing your values on them. |
Question 19 | Briefly describe how you can incorporate a person’s value systems into their case management plan. |
Question 20 | Briefly describe what impact the value systems of key stakeholders can have on the case management plan. |
Question 21 | Provide one aspect you need to take into account when working with a CALD person. |
Question 22 | Provide two ways to conduct case management in a culturally appropriate way when working with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples. |
Question 23 | Provide two factors to consider when working with people with a disability. |
Question 24 | Provide two aspects to consider when working with people in the LGBTI community. |
Question 25 | Provide two examples of homelessness. |
Question 26 | Provide a brief description of cultural invisibility that older people can feel. |
Question 27 | Provide two areas of legislation that are relevant to child protection. |
Question 28 | Provide two aspects of complaints management. |
Question 29 | Describe two ways that you can establish a rapport with a person. |
Question 30 | Provide two aspects of a formal meeting process. |
Question 31 | Provide one reason why it is important to specify roles and responsibilities of people involved in the case management plan. |
Question 32 | Provide one reason why a case manager needs to be familiar with a range of available services. |
Question 33 | Describe how the Universal Declaration of Human Rights underpins the rights of people involved in the decision-making process. |
Question 34 | Provide one right of an organisation when providing services. |
Question 35 | Describe why is it important to understand family dynamics when providing case management support. |
Question 36 | Provide an example of a long-term need. |
Question 37 | Provide one indication that a plan may need to be revised and/or adjusted. |
Question 38 | Provide one behavioural indicator that may suggest abuse. |
Question 39 | Provide one example where you may need to apply a strategy to deal with a complex or high-risk situation. |
Question 40 | Describe a case manager’s duty of care in regard to child protection. |
Question 41 | Describe a case manager’s duty of care in regard to domestic violence. |
Question 42 | Describe a case manager’s duty of care in regard to suicide. |
Question 43 | Describe a case manager’s duty of care in regard to elder abuse. |
Question 44 | Describe a case manager’s duty of care in regard to people with disabilities. |
Question 45 | Explain why it is important to match the needs of the person with the experience, workload and geographical location of the worker or service provider. |
Question 46 | List two aspects of a target for change or action. |
Question 47 | Describe one way you could assist a person to achieve their targets. |
Question 48 | Describe how feedback forms are used as a monitoring strategy. |
Question 49 | Describe one way you can use feedback forms to assess the need for change. |
Question 50 | Describe the priority of the negotiation process when changing the case management plan. |
Question 51 | Provide two documentation requirements that may apply when documenting an inter- agency agreement. |
Question 52 | Provide a brief explanation of the goal of evidence-based practice. |
Question 53 | Provide one criterion that must be met before a case can be closed. |
Question 54 | Describe two approaches to service delivery that address the experience, skills, values and development of participants. |
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