Assessment item 1: Short Questions and Answers
The following section contains questions you are required to complete in the spaces provided. If you require more space for your response, please use the student notes sections on the back of each page. Include your name on the bottom of this additional page.
This assessment includes all elements below:
- Communicate effectively with people
- Collaborate with colleagues
- Address constraints to communication
- Report problems to supervisor
- Complete workplace correspondence and documentation
- Contribute to continuous improvement
- (a) What type of communicator are you? Are you a person who initiates conversation? Are you a person who follows the lead in communicating with others? Explain your answer below:
- Provide three examples of verbal communication that you may use in the
- Identify three (3) examples of non-verbal communication that you may use in the
- Body language
- Zoom
- Phone calls
- Gestures
- Facial expressions
- Identify four (4) examples of body language that demonstrate anxiety / nervous
- avoiding eye contact
- constant eye contact
- sweating
- arms folded
- relaxed body posture
- twitching
- a smiling face
- How can you demonstrate respectful communication?
- (a) Why are we mindful of pronunciation, grammar and speed of speech when communicating with a person that has English as a second language?
- What are positive affirmations?
- Affirmations are long phrases spoken in the present tense and are chosen for their positive
- Affirmations are long phrases spoken in the past tense and are chosen for their negative
- Affirmations are short phrases spoken in the present tense and are chosen for their positive
- Affirmations are short phrases spoken in the past tense and are chosen for their negative
- What would your affirmation be?
- (a) How can you improve your listening skills?
- Scenario - Katia is a support worker in an education and care service in in Sydney. She has recently gained a full-time position and is enjoying her
Her main concern is her limited English skills, and her ability to communicate with the families of the children. One of the parents has left a message for Katia this morning, requesting the following:
G’Day Katia
Can you scribble down some info on what we need for the arvo party next week? I know I need to grab some bikkies, but is that it? Ta
From Mrs Smith (Joe’s mum)
Katia has no idea what ‘avo’ ‘bikkie’ or ‘ta’ means and why is she ‘grabbing’ something? How
can Katia respond to this message? What actions should Katia take?
- A paraphrase is a restatement or rewording of a paragraph or text, to borrow, clarify, or expand on
- True
- False
- Provide an example of
- (a) Reflecting on Katia in question 3 (b) what ‘clarification – seeking’ questions could she
- What is the purpose of feedback in relation to communication?
- What are three (3) different ways we can receive feedback?
- Which form of receiving feedback works best for you and why?
- Scenario - Laura has recently started a new role as a support worker at a local community Laura has completed a one-week training course upon starting her employment and has made a positive start.
That said, Laura is struggling as she has received negative feedback from one of her clients. How should Laura respond to the feedback?
- (a) Your role will contain many elements of
How do you ensure your verbal communication maintains confidentiality?
- Choose one of the ‘Rules for keeping information confidential’ and in 50 words, describe
how you complete this within your workplace.
- (a) You are required to complete the following table with the management/designated personnel you would need assistance from to complete your role:
Task | Actual title / role you seek clarification from |
Tasks you need to complete in your daily role | |
Deadlines for these tasks | |
Sequential order of these tasks | |
Expected length of these tasks | |
Documentation requirements | |
Required equipment | |
Required safety precautions |
- Scenario – the following message was left on your company voice mail - you are required to draft an email to the relevant person the caller is requesting to speak
‘Message left at 10am - Its Mary here from Anytime Education in Hornsby, I want to talk to Bob regarding a problem we have with funding. Its quite urgent that I talk to him today,
because the funding runs out next week. He knows my number.’
- (a) Provide a list of three (3) organisations that you work with within your role. You are required to provide:
- Name of the organisation
- Address
- Phone number / email
- Websites
- Details of your relationship with the organisation
- Who do you speak with at the organisation? What role do they have?
(b) Explain what the purpose of networking is?
- (a) Your industry has terminology, acronyms and jargon that is used internally and externally when communicating with
For example in the education field we refer to our college as an ‘RTO’ (Registered Training Organisation) people not within the education industry would have heard a college as an RTO.
What are three (3) examples within your industry?
(b) When you have difficulty interpretting information in your workplace, who can assist you? How do you request the assistance?
- (a) A person-centred approach is where the person is placed at the centre of the service and treated as a person The focus is on the person and what they can do.
- True
- False
- Provide an example of using this approach within your
- Each organisation has specific protocols for communication. How do you know what your protocols are? What documentation can you refer to if you are unsure?
- (a) How do you develop cultural awareness? Select the correct three (3).
- Learn about each client's cultural
- Only acknowledge individual differences
- Only acknowledge
- Try to understand the cultural meaning of verbal and body language
- Try to understand why mistrust exists between cultural
- Describe a time when you adjusted your communication styles because of cultural
- Research interpreters available to you (funded and private providers) and list their details
- Scenario – You have identified a situation at work that involves inappropriate behaviour towards another team member. You are required to write an email to the manager with your concerns and request for a This is a professional email.
Attach your email to this assessment.
- (a) Watch the following video and answer the questions below: Understanding Cultural Communication Differences
- Definition of Listening is not about ‘have you heard me, but have you understood what I
meant?’ How does this definition resonate with you? Provide an example of when this may have occurred with you.
- What does ‘paying attention to the cues’ mean?
- How can we understand and learn more about different cultures?
- Watch the following video and describe your culture:
How Do We Understand Our Own Culture
- Professional boundaries are those rules and limits that prevent the lines between carer and client from becoming blurred?
- True
- False
- How does professional boundaries relate to your role?
- (a) What communication channels do you use in the workplace most often and why?
- Which four (4) resolution skills are recommended to defuse potential situations in the workplace?
- Use open body language
- Remain calm and patient
- Have a competing approach
- Use clear language
- Keep tone of voice calm
- Dominate the discussion
- Which of the resolution skills would you like to perform more effectively? How can you gain more experience to enhance these skills?
- When would a conflict-of-interest cause concern in a workplace? Provide an example
- (a) Research – “Code of ethics”. Attach information from your research to this
(b) An ethical dilemma is a problem in the decision-making process between two possible options, neither of which is absolutely acceptable from an ethical perspective.
- True
- False
- (a) What are four (4) examples of mandatory notification requirements?
- Assaults
- Suspicions of assaults
- Gossip
- Working whilst intoxicated
- Long lunch breaks
- Sexual misconduct
(b) Identify four (4) examples of unethical conduct.
- Gossiping about clients or co-workers
- Disclosing official information to people without the authority to access it
- Misusing equipment and facilities
- Going against lawful requirements/orders
- Behaving responsibly
- Being tolerant of other cultures/religions
- (a) Where will you be able to find information on your work role?
- What are some examples of rights and responsibilities an employee has within their role?
- If you have any potential concerns within your role, what are the best actions to take?
- Arrange a meeting with your supervisor or manager to ensure your concerns are
- Keep it to You don’t want to look insecure
- File a complaint with your union
- Discuss it with family or friends
- (a) Describe an instance where you have experienced conflict with a client or co-worker. What was the outcome?
- What are the best forms of conflict prevention?
- How do you resolve issues with your supervisor / management?
- (a) Reporting communicates information regarding the client, focusing on sharing information accurately and with a clear
- True
- False
- What reporting is used in your workplace? Provide two (2)
- Scenario – you have been asked to mentor a new support worker at your organisation. The manager has asked you to interview them at the end of the week to see how they Why would the organisation use this communication tool? What are the benefits?
- During the interview you are required to ask a series of List them below:
Question type |
Open-ended questions
These cannot be answered with a single word such as yes or no. They typically begin with words such as how, what, why, where, and when. |
Example |
Greater response questions
These are like open-ended questions but require more depth to the answer. They typically use the words ‘describe’, ‘tell’ and ‘explain’. |
Example |
Redirection questions
Participants will often ask questions of the meeting leader as a follow up remark made by him/her or another team member. Sometimes it is appropriate to redirect this question back to the team. |
Example |
Feedback and clarification questions
This is a technique for paraphrasing what you have discussed and checking if the feedback is right. |
Example |
Closed questions
These can be answered by a yes or no and are useful for closing discussion. These typically begin with can, do, has, could and would. |
Example |
- (a) What are the four (4) tips provided in your learner guide to ‘interpret and clarify workplace information and instructions’?
- Actively listen
- Listen passively
- Take notes
- Try to remember everything
- Make a checklist
- Ask questions
- Don’t ask questions
- Which of the above tips do you think is the most important and why?
- ‘Scope of practice’ refers to the actions and procedures that you are permitted to
undertake within your work role.
- True
- False
- How does ‘scope of practice’ refer to you?
- (a) Describe unethical or inappropriate communication in the workplace. What steps do you take if you witness or read this type of communication?
(b) How do you know what your ‘organisation standards’ are for verbal and written
- (a) Identify three (3) types of digital
- Semaphore
- Podcast and videos
- Written letters
- Social Media
Case Study – Digital media
Harrison is a new worker at a large residential care home and has been asked to conduct a variety of duties using digital media in relation to an upcoming event at the home. There are currently 35 residents at the home, ranging from the ages of sixty-four to ninety-six.
He has been asked to:
- Write a social media post about an upcoming event at the care home
- Create a newsletter about the upcoming event
- Send emails to the family members of the
Social media post
Harrison has created a post about the event, including all the key information, such as the date, time, and what will be taking place. He has included a picture of a resident to go alongside the post, but has not asked their permission or that of the manager. There are also a number of grammatical mistakes.
The newsletter has been created in the usual template used by the home. However, there are large blank spaces on the newsletter, and the names of two residents have been used without permission.
Harrison has sent an email to the designated family members of the residents, using electronic records to find their email addresses. He has sent a single email to everyone though, and has not hidden their identities in the email. Additionally, he has included the day of the event but has failed to include the time it will take place.
- Read through the Case Study and identify at least one policy and procedure for each digital media type that Harrison is likely to have broken / not
- Harrison should ask for feedback regarding the outcome of his digital media produced. This feedback will allow Harrison to understand what he did incorrectly and develop his skills in this
Describe how the feedback conversation should be initiated between the manager and Harrison and then provide details of how Harrison could improve his skills.
Scenario - Case Study – Hazards
You have been informed by your supervisor that a client, Daryl, has experienced multiple trips and falls in his flat over the past six weeks.
The client is a thirty-six-year-old man, on the autism spectrum, who lives on his own, in a Department of Housing flat. Although a risk assessment of the flat has been conducted previously by a colleague (approximately 6 months ago), your supervisor would like you to repeat the process, as he fears conditions may have changed in Daryl’s flat. It has come to the attention of another staff member that Daryl had work completed on his internal staircase that was not finished due to lack of funds.
Daryl has been notified that you will be completing an inspection at his flat Monday next week. He is able to stay at his sisters, should the flat need extensive work completed to be deemed safe.
Your organisational policies and procedures state the following should occur when hazards are identified in the residence of a client:
- Complete the site-specific risk assessment on the following
- Make a note of any hazards, including actions
- Report the hazards to your supervisor (draft email in the below box - letting them know the report will include attachments and how you would like to proceed with your findings)
- Activity – Understanding the difference between fact and opinion when writing a report Read the following report, based on an opinion, then in the space below construct it into
Christopher McDonald, aged 71 years, referred himself to our service. He wanted assistance with housing. He was a builder. He was so drunk he could not speak properly, and he was falling all over the front reception. He has obviously been neglecting himself because he was so dirty, and he smelt so bad.
He looks like an alcoholic, so I referred him to the Alcohol and Drug Service at Granville Community Health Centre. They can deal with his alcohol problems before I look at his housing needs.
(a) Why do we encourage employees to contribute ideas and information to workplace discussions?
- Each of us have our own values and philosophies. What are yours? How are they contributed to your workplace?
- What role do you play in improving your work practices?
- (a) Considering the organisation you work for, what are their goals? What is the company mission statement?
(b) Have you had experience in mentoring or coaching before? Describe your experience and how they are considered as learning opportunities.
- (a) What is self-evaluation? How would it assist you in your role?
(b) Who do you consult with regarding opportunities to develop your skills and knowledge within your role?
- Your supervisor or manager
- Nobody you don’t want to look insecure
- Arrange a meeting with your union to ensure maximum education
- Discuss it with family or friends
- List three personal work goals and how you can achieve them using the table
Goal | How / When / When |
1. | |
2. | |
3. |
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