ItemLandBuildingsOther Accounts 123,000 233,000 3640,000 4280,000 529,000 Land improvements 63,170 76,800 Land improvements 831,000 96,400 Real estate tax expense 10-12,000 302,170302,170696,00042,200 0
EquipmentLand 40,000,000600,0003,000,0001,000,000 100,000700,0002,200,000 Acc-Dep-Equip5,000,000Bal. 4,200,000 440,00020,000 700,00055,000 Bal: 39,800,00070,000 Bal 400,005,000 General Journal DateExplanationRefDebitCredit 2023 Aptil 1Land2,200,000 Cash2,200,000 (To record purchase of land) 1-May Depreciation Expense20,000 Accumulated- Dep. Equip20,000 1-May Cash170,000 Accumulated- Dep. Equip440,000 Equipment600,000 Gain on Disposal10,000 (To record sale of equip. at gain) 1-Jun Cash1,600,000 Land1,000,000 Gain on Disposal600,000 (To record sale of land at a gain) 1-Jul Equipment1,100,000 Cash1,100,000 (To record purchase of equip.) 31-Dec Depreciation Expense55,000 Accumulated- Dep. Equip55,000 31-Dec Depreciation Expense70,000 Accumulated Dep- Equip70,000 (To record deprecation on equip) 31-Dec Accumulated Dep- Equip700,000 Equipment700,000(To record depreciation on equip, for 4 months) (To record depreciation on equip, for 6 months)
Arnold Corporation Balance Sheet (partial) Property, Plant, Equipment Land4,200,000 Buildings26,500,000 Less:Accumulated Depreciation- Buildings11,925,00014,575,000 Equipment38,425,000 Less: Accumulated Depreciation-Equipment4,005,00034,420,000 Total property, plant and equipment53,195,0003,157,500(To record retirement of fully depreciated equip).
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