Ch04-180514113409 - solution manual - cost accounting-Horngren 15th ed Akuntansi Biaya (Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta) Downloaded by adela klosi ([email protected])lOMoARcPSD|12838944
Job Costing C h a p t e r -4 Cost Accounting A Managerial Emphasis 15th Edition Charles T. Horngren, Srikant M. Datar, Madhav V. Rajan Questions & Solutions Downloaded by adela klosi ([email protected])lOMoARcPSD|12838944
Downloaded by adela klosi ([email protected])lOMoARcPSD|12838944
Questions 4-1 Define cost pool, cost tracing, cost allocation, and cost-allocation base. 4-2 How does a job-costing system differ from a process-costing system? 4-3 Why might an advertising agency use job costing for an advertising campaign by PepsiCo, whereas a bank might use process costing to determine the cost of checking account deposits? 4-4 Describe the seven steps in job costing. 4-5 Give examples of two cost objects in companies using job costing. 4-6 Describe three major source documents used in job-costing systems. 4-7 What is the advantage of using computerized source documents to prepare job-cost records? 4-8 Give two reasons why most organizations use an annual period rather than a weekly or monthly period to compute budgeted indirect-cost rates. 4-9 Distinguish between actual costing and normal costing. 4-10 Describe two ways in which a house-construction company may use job-cost information. 4-11 Comment on the following statement: "In a normal-costing system, the amounts in the Manufacturing Overhead Control account will always equal the amounts in the Manufacturing Overhead Allocated account." MyAccountingLab Downloaded by adela klosi ([email protected])lOMoARcPSD|12838944
ASSIGNMENT MATERIAL137 4-12 Describe three different debit entries to the Work-in-Process Control T-account under normal costing. 4-13 Describe three alternative ways to dispose of under- or overallocated overhead costs. 4-14 When might a company use budgeted costs rather than actual costs to compute direct-labor rates? 4-15 Describe briefly why Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is helpful to managers.
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