CCB200 A1 Short Answer Test Due Thursday 6 April 2023, 11.59pm Exam Instructions -Insert your answers directly into this document and save as a Word Doc or PDF -Include a word count at the end of each response (1000-1250+/- 10% allowed in total) -Use the file nameCCB200_A1_full student name_student number -Submit your completed answer sheet via Canvas by 11.59pm on 6 April 2023 -If there is an issue with your submission, please email Unit Coordinator, Elija Cassidy ([email protected]) with a copy of your document prior to the submission deadline. -Before submitting your work please ensure you have complied with allQUT rules around academic integrity -Please note that this assessment isnoteligible for an extension (including the 48-hour extension) under QUT policy. Student Name: Student Number: Workshop tutor: **Please change red text to black when writing your responses** Question 1. Using the followinglink, examine the archived version of the QUT website from February 2nd, 1999 and identify whether it is a Web 1.0 or Web 2.0 version of the site. Justify your answer with reference to unit materials. <insert your response here> (Word count:insert here) Question 2. With reference to unit materials explain why Netflix is not a platform.
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