Case Study Questions

Written Assignment: Case study

Weight: 40%

Must Complete: Yes
Length: 1500 words

Please note: Students are required to comply with word and time limits. You are not expected to achieve exactly the required length, and a 10% leeway on either side is acceptable. The marker will not mark beyond the 10%. Only your work to that point will be marked against the assessment criteria.

Notes: Case Study Report

Due Date: Is displayed at the bottom of this page

This assessment relates to:
Learning Outcomes  1, 2, 4. 5


Read the case studies below, choose only one of the following case studies to discuss, and answer all 4 of the questions listed below. You do not need an introduction or conclusion and headings are advised. You must use academic writing and reference your work using APA referencing. Your ISBAR may be presented in table format. Please do not use bullet points, instead use well-structured paragraphs.

Case Study 2 (Mental Health Facility)

Alex is a 23 year who was admitted to the acute ward at the mental health facility, he has been admitted to the locked ward due to his his acute psychosis. Alex was recently diagnosed with a drug induced schizophrenia caused by the use of marijuana. Alex has been in the ward for the past two weeks, over the past couple of days it has been discussed amongst staff the large amount of food and water Alex consumes (5 litres plus a day and extra meals), they have put this down to his psychosis.

The following day Alex's behaviour deteriorates and he has become aggressive and unable to walk in a straight line, the staff are confused and wondering if one of his visitors has given him something. The staff take routine bloods and decide to do a drug screen as well. They have also noted the number of times a day he has been going to the toilet (this has been frequent at least hourly if not more regularly).

They conduct a full set of vital observations and document the following;






























(However Alex is
disorientated to time and





  1. Discuss your assessments on this patient, identify signs of deterioration and clearly state if the patient requires a clinical review or rapid response as per Between the Flags (BTF). Justify your decision with data from the case and relevant support.
  2. Document a succinct and accurate ISBAR handover in verbal script format (eg. Hello, my name is...)
  3. Considering the assessment findings. prioritise and discuss the immediate nursing management of the patient
  4. Succinctly discuss the ongoing management of this case and integrate the relevant members of the interdisciplinary team

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