Case study B:
Susan is a community services worker with expertise in family violence. She is part of a team of professionals that visits the local aged facility service fortnightly. Bert has recently moved to the aged care facility and staff have been concerned about injuries that are evident when they help him to shower and dress in the morning. During discussions with Bert, he disclosed that a family member who has been taking care of him has been violent towards him and
takes his pension money. With Bert’s consent, the staff refer him to Susan and her colleague Jed who is a lawyer. The staff have arranged for Bert to speak with Jed and Susan immediately about applying for a court order to protect Bert from further violence, and to discuss safety planning with them.
In your answer to Questions 1, 2 and 3 below please refer to the required reading:
Reading 1 (Week 1 in Moodle): Kennedy, R., Richards, J., & Leiman, T. (2016). Law and human services: together and apart. In R, Kennedy, J. Richards, & T. Leiman (Eds.), Integrating Human Service Law, Ethics and Practice (4th ed., pp. 19-42). Oxford University Press Australia.
Reading 2 (Week 2 in Moodle): Forell, S and Nagy, M. (2021). Health justice insights: health justice partnership as a response to domestic and family violence, Health Justice Australia Inc, Sydney.
Q5. Identify three benefits to Susan of working in an integrated team with Jed? In your answer refer to Forell and Nagy (2021) for the common features of a family violence partnership (3 marks)
Q6. What are the benefits to Bert of being able to speak with an integrated support team at his aged care facility? In your answer refer to Kennedy, Richards and Leiman (2016) (2 marks).
Q7. What are the inter-professional tensions that Susan might experience working together with Jed to support Bert? In your answer refer to Kennedy, Richards and Leiman (2016) (3 marks).
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