CAS102 Group Work – Assessment 2: Role Play (20% Group and 15% Individual = 35%) Due Dates: Weeks 6 – 10
One role play per group per week
This assessment builds on your theoretical knowledge and aims for you to apply theoretical learning into simulated settings.
Working in groups of 4-5 members, you are required to form a group (random selection by lecturer). You will be given time during tutorials to develop 5 x 5-7 minute role plays showing a group work setting (each week will be the same group but roleplaying a different stage of the group process). Your group will also need to dedicate some time outside of class time to prepare for this assessment. The purpose of the assessment is to demonstrate your understanding of the content covered in lectures and tutorials.
During your role play sessions, you will be required to take turns facilitating the group for approximately 5-7 minutes. Other students will be assigned roles, and you will need to demonstrate the facilitation and leadership skills that you have learnt (conflict resolution, decision making, diversity, communication skills, leadership skills appropriate to the context).
An example of the types of groups that you might choose include (but is not limited to):
- Support groups e.g. victim support group, substance abuse group, cancer support group, young parents group
- Educational Group g. diabetes awareness group, heart attack recovery group
- Growth Groups g. independent living skills group
- Therapy Groups g. grief and loss
- Psychoeducation Groups g. trauma education residential care
- Community Groups g. school parent committee, community neighbourhood group
- Workplace Group e.g. team vision planning group, policy development group
- Youth group g. event planning group or social planning group etc.
The group could be a mandated group or a voluntary group in a school, community, health, justice, nongovernment, or government agency setting.
Timeline Week 3
Students randomly assigned groups (this will be the group you work with from week 3 – week 10)
“Getting to know you” activities
Weeks 4 & 5
Groups to choose type of group for role play focus, brainstorm (hypothetical) ideas about the group, for example:
- What is the group’s purpose?
- What is the membership? Who will attend the group?
- How are members recruited?
- Environment
- How is the group monitored and evaluated?
- Time frame
- Activities
- Managing conflict and personality types
Weeks 6-10
Each week between weeks 6 and 10 every group will role play 5-7 mins in front of the class, a snapshot from their Group at the stage as outlined below:
Week 6 – Forming stage Week 7 – Storming stage Week 8 – Norming stage Week 9 – Performing stage Week 10 – Adjourning stage
Each week a different student will take the role of lead facilitator. Each week the lead facilitator will be required to manage conflict or a personality type (e.g. this could be a group participant on their mobile phone, a participant arriving to the group late, a participant that did not attend the first week, a participant that asks a question that the facilitator does not know the answer to, a participant that becomes emotionally overwhelmed etc.). The challenge should not be the focus of your presentation but should be included as part of the interaction in the session. In the feedback session after the presentation the observers/audience will be asked to identify the challenge and feedback on the strategies used.
In addition to the students in the group each week one student from the audience will be selected to join the performing group and given a brief outline of the role they will play.
At the conclusion of each role play the observing students will provide feedback.
Each week the group will receive a mark and the student who is roleplaying the facilitator will receive a mark. At the end of the 5 role plays the group marks will be added together and everyone in the group will receive the same grade (except in exceptional circumstances) and each student will be awarded an individual grade based on their facilitation score.
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