To be able to enrol in this unit students must have completed 400 credit points, or 2 years equivalent full-time study. Many students taking this unit will be in their final semester of their Bachelor’s degree. Throughout that time at Curtin University many opportunities have been presented to you; some you may have taken, some you may have missed. The purpose of this assessment is for you to look back and reflect upon your degree thus far – what you have learnt, what you have done, what you should have done, friendships made, life lessons learnt etc.
If you have done the unit Strategic Career Design you will have started a Career Passport; if you have not done that unit, never fear – you will not be at a disadvantage. The exercises presented in this unit, including the employability tool, the odyssey planning, the Lego representations, the different teams formed every week etc., will provide more than enough content to create an interesting, meaningful video presentation.
An engaging video submission with a minimum of 7 minutes and a maximum of 10 minutes is required; anything under or over this will incur a penalty of 10% for everything up to and including 1 minute (i.e. 10% penalty for each minute under or over).
The Career Passport Reflective Video is worth 40% of the unit. It is due no later than 6:00am Australian Western Standard Time on the first Monday of the exam period. The presentation must be Pre-recorded and uploaded to a free viewing platform (such as YouTube, Echo360 etc.) where a login is NOT required and a link to view your presentation can be provided to the tutor. Students must submit a link within their presentation slides (if presentation slides are used) or within a Word document into the submission link in Blackboard.
Students are encouraged to explore various ways of creating a professional online presentation. This may involve using media enhancements in the presentation, if appropriate. Think of this assessment as your final practice before having to submit a video for a job interview; we expect the video to be of a high quality, with no errors, good lighting to be able to see you, and in an appropriate setting. We also expect you to be professionally dressed (at least what we can see of you).
The presentation is expected to be formal in nature, but please note: A formal presentation does not equal a boring presentation! Do not let the word ‘formal’ stifle your creativity when presenting; interaction and creativity in your presentation are encouraged. You are expected to use the skills you have learnt over the course of your degree to keep the audiences interest.
Students are strongly advised to read and address the Marking Rubric on page 3 and 4 of this document closely before undertaking this assessment.
The Career Passport Reflective Video must include the following sections:
· Introduction
You must, at a minimum, i) introduce yourself (name, degree/major etc.), and ii) outline the purpose of your presentation.
· A reflection on the employability tool
You should have completed the employability tool at the conclusion of seminar 1 and 12 at a minimum (you may have also completed it within other units in your degree) – what did the tool show you? Was a difference in time periods evident? Did the tool give you tips and/or guidance on enhancing your employability?
- A reflection upon your time in Enhancing your Business Mind
What did this unit teach you, if anything? Did the unit make you aware of new areas of interest? Did you make new friends? Were there lessons you will take with you into the workplace? Be honest; you will not be penalised for discussing negative as well as positive experiences.
· A reflection upon your time at University
How was your time at University? Did you choose the right degree/major? What more should you have done whilst at University? How did you manage your time whilst at University? Did you enjoy University? Will you do any further study? Again, be honest.
· My career plan
Consider your career plan when you finish your studies; what are your next steps after graduation? What will you do in the immediate future to secure your desired career path? What actions can you take to become more involved in your industry of choice?
· A message to my future self
What would you tell your future self, you in 5 years’ time? Think of this as a time capsule; what do you hope to do/implement/never forget from your time at Curtin University? Do you have any advice to give your future self, something you think will be very relevant in 5 years’ time?
· Conclusion
You must summarise the key points of the presentation.
References are NOT required for the presentation.
Students are expected to be sensitive to other students’ feelings throughout the video presentation. At all times students should not personally criticise fellow students; the video presentation must remain objective. Any personal criticism will not be tolerated, at university nor in the workplace. Refer to the Student Charter for information about Curtin’s Values of Integrity, Respect, Courage, Excellence and Impact.
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