BUSM4504 Professional HR Practices - Careers Website Critical Essay

Assignment Help on Critical Essay

Assessment name: RMIT Careers Website Critical Essay

Weight = 20% 

Students are to access the Job and Career Advice Website (link below) and answer the following questions:

https://www.rmit.edu.au/students/work-study-opportunities/jobs-and-career-advice/job-shop (Links to an external site.)

  1. Outline how useful the resources on this website are for practising HR professionals
  2. What improvements do you consider would be beneficial from a HR practitioner's perspective?
  3. What resources are helpful to you and why?
  4. Are certain resources on this website not helpful to RMIT students?
  5. What overall conclusions have you formed based on your research on the Job and Career Advice website?


1500 words.

Assessment Criteria:

Instructions followed effectively

Appropriate development of the questions and the justification of each question

Appropriate RMIT Harvard referencing for quality websites, journal articles, textbooks and comments in seminars

Clear and comprehensive written style (spelling, grammar, syntax.)

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