Assessment 1: Individual Reflective Journal
(30% of final assessment, 2,000 words max)
A reflective journal that demonstrates your understanding of the business consulting concepts and approach. Specifically in your journal discuss the learning you have acquired over the four topics of your course and consider what impact this has on your practice as a manager. Consider theories, new skills, insights, new practices, new conversations with other class colleagues that have challenged or even changed your thinking. Consider also any impacts that any aspect of the course has had on the way you are thinking and behaving as a manager in a business consulting situation. Such events as meeting the client and first site visits can be very different from attending class. This is a real world engagement. What might be valuable about this process? How is this possibly a benefit to your practice as a manager?
Consider in your reflections what researched resources might provide further insights to your reflection. In other words what can you discover from articles on the internet and internet more generally from reliable business media resources insights to support your new view of your practice? Finally as a conclusion to your reflection consider one of the key learning outcomes of this course to research and reflect on career opportunities for entry level managers. In regard to this learning outcome consider how your learning in this course might enhance your practice as an entry level manager? What knowledge and capabilities will you have developed in this course to provide you with an advantage for your career?
In your reflection journal you should consider the use of critical events a sources of learning these provide examples of where learning took place. Why this was important? How you developed your new insights? Where and how you could continue to practice and refine these new skills or capabilities?
Reflection Report Support Materials
The following materials are to assist you in planning your Reflection Report. They provide some examples of the approaches you can take to writing a Reflection Report. The main issues in writing a Reflection piece of any sort is to certainly Describe an event that has caused you to reflect upon or consider your actions, behaviour, way of thinking, feelings or a part of your professional practice. So this would be the 'Experience" aspect. You then need to move to the Reflection aspect to consider - What does this mean? Having reflected on the situation to consider - perhaps there is an area for improvement here, or that seems at odds with what I thought I did, or that confirms what I believe I should do so I will keep doing it. There can be challenges, surprises, even concerns - but the next stage becomes important. Explore - Investigate and research what you can do to improve, renew, strengthen as needed. Then Activate - Plan or consider at least what you might do to ACTUALLY set up a way to develop, strengthen your knowledge, skill or capability that you are interested in. As Benjamin Franklin stated 'If you fail to Plan you Plan to Fail'
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