Assessment Task Description Scenario
Organizational citizenship behaviour is defined as employees' behaviours that are discretionary and "not directly or explicitly recognized by the formal reward system, and that in the aggregate promotes the effective functioning of the organization" (Organ, 1988). That is, an employee's favourable behaviour that is not specified in the person's contract and is not an enforceable requirement of the employee's role. Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB), leadership styles, and perceived justice are essential for organizational success. However, these constructs have not been adequately studied together within the small and medium enterprises’ (SMEs) context. Thus, a research is being conducted to assess the effects of leadership styles and perceived justice on organizational citizenship behaviour of employee of SMEs in Sydney, Australia. This study will use the cross-sectional survey as the research design. The convenience sampling technique will be used to select a sample size of 305. Questionnaire will be used to collect the data. Data will be analysed using multiple regression.
Based on the scenario, develop a research ethics proposal to be submitted to the Excelsia College Ethics committee for approval. You must use the Research Ethics Proposal templates attached, for to this assessment.
You must;
- identify a relevant title for the project
- Identify and define the research problem
- State 2 aims for the research
- Explain the need for and value of the
- List your research questions or
- Outline the research design and methodology
- Indicate whether the research is the first stage of a larger
- Who will be approached or recruited to be research participants? How many participants will be involved in your study?
- List the selection and, if appropriate to your study, the exclusion criteria for
- How will you recruit respondents for your research?
- How will you provide detailed information about the study to potential participants?
- Describe how you will obtain consent to participate from those volunteering as participants for the
- Detail how will you ensure that participants do not feel under any obligation to assist you with your research as
- Describe how you will preserve participants' confidentiality as you collect and analyse the data and when you report the results
- If there are any potential risks (physical, emotional, social or legal) to individual participants' wellbeing (beyond those normally encountered in everyday life) as a result of their involvement in the research, detail the steps that will be taken to address these risks including any support facilities such as counselling, debriefings or
- If there are any potential safety implications for yourself as the researcher (beyond those normally encountered in everyday life) please indicate how these will be
- If research participants will receive any payment, reimbursement, or other benefits from participation in the research, please detail this and provide a justification for the level of
- Describe briefly how the research data will be recorded, for example, audiotape, videotape, or written
- Describe what you will do with the recorded data once it has been
- Specify who apart from yourself (and your supervisors if applicable) will have access to the research data and results, and any conditions to be placed on that
- Detail who will own the data and the results of your
- Create Timelines of the research study
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