BUS30024 Advanced Innovative Business Practice - Reflection Assignment

Assignment Help on Personal Reflection

The aim of this personal reflection is to provide you with an opportunity to explore and analyse your behaviour within your team and assess its impact on the goals, functioning and outcomes of the team, as you prepare and complete the Major case - group assessment. Your individual experience will be the raw data for your subsequent analysis. Whilst the focus is on your behaviour, you may discuss the behaviour of others in the team when this assists in clarifying and explaining your behaviour and reactions.

You will need to discuss the main events/issues that occurred throughout your group experience, therefore, it is important you take note of any issues or challenges as they arise throughout semester.

You should also reflect on the results of the initial Peer Review in Week 8. For example, did your peers score you as highly as you hoped or expected? In which areas did you score particularly lowly/highly and what do you think was the reason for this? 

As part of this reflection, you will also need to consider what you have learned from this team experience, and how that will influence your attitude and behaviour in future teamwork experiences.

Other data that is relevant to this assessment – but by no means exhaustive - includes the Belbin Team Role Inventory, the Team Charter, the progress checks, and project planning reviews across the semester.

Keeping a learning journal may assist you to write this personal reflection piece.

In your reflection piece you should:

  • Analyse your behaviour within your team and assess your impact on the team’s goals, functioning and outcomes  
  • Select significant examples from your team experience to support your reflection 
  • Analyse your behaviour with reference to the peer evaluations received in week 8.
  • Where possible, link these examples to relevant academic theory (e.g. group formation, leadership, etc.)
  • Discuss what you have learned about yourself from this team experience, and what would you do differently? 
  • Discuss how this experience will influence your approach to teamwork when entering future teams, for example Capstone 2 and/or your first career-related role as a graduate 

You will also be assessed on:

  • Evidence of relevant reading and the application of concepts, frameworks or theories (use of at least five references to literature)
  • Ability to present an articulate, coherent and well-presented response; clear expression, style, punctuation and use of the Harvard System of referencing are expected.
  • Ability to presnt visually engaging and appealing presentation that effectively used the functionality of Spark (Video)

For this reflection piece, you should use Adobe Spark (Video) to create a narrated video presentation.

As an Adobe Creative Campus all Swinburne staff and students have full access to the Adobe range of products (including Spark!).

Simply log-in using your Swinburne student credentials.

For this assessment we expect your presentation to be between 13-15 Slides (Approx. 5-7 min)

You should share and submit a link to your Spark Video.

You can find information on the use of Adode Spark at the ADOBE HUB (Links to an external site.).

Also see the following video about Swinburne's Adobe Creative Campus. 

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