BUS30024 Advanced Innovative Business Practice - Peta-Marron Case Study Assignment Help

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Business impacts on SDGs (Exploring the business case for incorporating SDGs into business strategy)

The United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development provides a blueprint to end poverty, reduce inequalities, address climate change and build a peaceful world now and for our future. At its core are 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (Links to an external site.), more commonly referred to as the Global Goals that are underpinned by some 169 targets for achieving issues of sustainable development. All UN Member States have agreed to work on achieving these SDGs and targets by 2030. One thing to keep in mind with the Global Goals, is that they are considered to be interrelated or integrated, meaning that action in one area will affect outcomes in others, and that development must balance social, economic and environmental sustainability.

Your task focuses on the major case company, ‘Peta-Marron’, a manufacturer of delicious cookies currently operating in the fictitious nation of Marronia. The cookies are made with a unique strain of cacao found only in the hills of Marronia. The board of directors are committed to moving towards a sustainability agenda and have asked that you prepare a brief that identifies one SDG that is of significance to their business that needs improvement to achieve a better outcome for sustainable development.


Marronia is a small landlocked developing country located in the mountains of Asia.

The country is primarily agrarian, with very little industrialisation. Economically challenged, the country suffers from over 90% of the population living under the poverty line. There is extreme social and economic inequality, with 10% of the population being extremely well off, the others lacking basic health, education, and sanitation. The primary crop produced is the Marronian Cacao. Environmental groups have expressed concern at how native habitats are being currently destroyed for new cacao farms, in particular the habitat of the endangered Marron-Goose.

Concerns have been raised by NGOs in recent times about alleged human rights abuses of political opponents of the autocratic Da-Maasli Government, that took power in a popular revolt 5 years ago. However, these are only allegations, and no sanctions are currently imposed against Marronia or the Da-Maasli government. NGO's have also noted concerns that managerial and major decision making positions in workplaces and government are male dominated.  

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To complete this task, you must do the following:

Prepare a brief report of 1500 words that covers the following:

  1. What are the SDG’s
  2. What impact can business have on the achievement of the SDGs
  3. Considering the ‘Peta-Marron’case-study used for the team report, investigate one SDG you think may be relevant to the organisation.
  4. Explain what action/s ‘Peta-Marron’ might adopt to address the issue/s and therefore improve performance in relation to this SDG. (You may reference to real case examples amongst multinational enterprises to support your recommendations)   
  5. Identify at least two stakeholders (Freeman, 1984) that would be impacted by your proposed action/s and discuss how these actions may impact on the sustainability and competitiveness of Peta-Marron.

Please ensure that your response makes use of academic literature, white papers, or case studies to support your arguments.

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