BUS30024 Advanced Innovative Business Practice Assignment 2

Assignment Help on Team Report

Assignment Overview:

Welcome to the Peta-Marron corporation!

We are a new business that commenced operations in Marronia rather unintentionally in 2020. Following a casual get together over a chocolate biscuit or two, we saw an opportunity to sell our mother’s recipe chocolate biscuits (using the special strain of cacao that only grows in the hills of Marronia) and make a bit of money. We consequently started producing and selling locally, and the uptake was extraordinary.

Unfortunately, whilst our start-up business has been successful, our attention to detail in terms of generating financial reports has been rather lax - in fact, we are yet to produce even our first set of financials! Nonetheless, we are confident in our product, and believe tapping into a ‘western market’ will be our cash cow! Consequently we are now looking to expand our market to Australia as our first step to internationalisation.

We are looking to you as our consultants to provide a comprehensive report covering the following:

  • Our business's impact on SDGs
  • Business opportunities
  • Business strategy
  • Marketing 
  • Financial analysis
  • Sustainability Reporting (ESG Factors)

Our directors are acutely aware that consumers these days are worried about sustainability. To do our part, we wish all of our activities in Australia to be sustainable. Our directors are very excited to hear about the SDGs in recent times and wish to really join in this movement. As such, we would like you to consider sustainable development issues, and report on actual and/or potential Environmental, Social, and Governance factors.

Your team is to prepare a comprehensive report, including recommendations for us to bring our exciting product to Australia. Remember, we need to reinforce our appreciation of sustainability and the SDGs to the Australian public, as our directors believe it can make a strong and lasting impression of our product, and help ensure our long-term competitiveness.

Submission Guidelines:

We would like you to submit your report in two parts:

Major Case Report  

(Assignment #2) 

Week Due:

6 & 12 

Total Marks:


Word/time Limit 

3500 words 

 Part A (cover weeks 1-5) 

·         Introduction

·         Our business's impact on SDGs

·         Business opportunities

·         Business strategy



Week 6 

(Friday 5pm) 



15 marks  





1500 words 

 Part B (covers weeks 6-12)

·         Executive Summary

·         Marketing 

·         Financial Analysis

·         Sustainability Reporting (ESG Factors)

·         Conclusion



Week 12 

(Friday 5pm) 




25 marks 



2000 words 

 Your research should be used to develop a detailed report on the organisation’s current performance, and make original recommendations, for expansion into the Australian Market.

Reports are used in many fields to communicate information in an organised and structured way. They are prevalent within business environments and thus form an authentic assignment task. An employee who can analyse issues and provide solutions, backed-up by evidence, is a valuable asset for any organisation.

Working as a team to produce this report will provide you with an opportunity to hone your teamwork skills. These skills are directly transferable to workplace environments where individual and team accountability is expected.

Related learning outcomes

This assignment assesses the following unit learning outcomes:

ULO1  Undertake and evaluate research, integrating business and innovation frameworks to solve business problems in local and global contexts in a holistic manner

ULO2  Demonstrate analytical, critical, ethical, sustainable and creative thinking and problem solving

ULO3  Communicate both verbally and in writing in an appropriate business manner

ULO4  Work collaboratively in teams demonstrating cultural sensitivity

When completing this assessment, you should discuss and analyse your findings, drawing on further scholarly literature where relevant. Based on your understanding of the SDG’s and your observations of the organisation’s activities, write a report that critically analyses the organisation’s performance and outlines specific and original recommendations to improve outcomes for both the organisation and society.

Please see the Group Report Template Final-2.docx  Download Group Report Template Final-2.docxfor a suggested report structure which outlines the key areas to be covered (This may vary dependent on your team's approach).

In addition, you can find links to further important information on the Peta-Marron corporation and the nation of Marronia below:

  • Country Information (Marronia at a glance)Download Country Information (Marronia at a glance)
  • Company Information (Peta-Marron)Download Company Information (Peta-Marron)
  • Transcript from interview with the VP of Peta-MarrronDownload Transcript from interview with the VP of Peta-Marrron

Students are also expected to complete their team charter by Week 2

  • Link to Team CharterDownload Link to Team Charter

Peer Review of Individual Contribution to the Team

This group assessment also involves two stage of peer review (weeks 8 & 13) worth 5 marks each (total 10 marks). Please see the separate submission guidelines for the Peer Review component of this assessment in Canvas.

Finalise and submit your analysis

BUS30024 Assignment 2: Team Report (PART A)

Word/time limit: 1500 words

Weighting: 15% 

Due dates: Week 6 (Friday 5pm)

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