Rotary Industry Report
Australia produces approximately one billion coffee cups a year. Unfortunately, these cups are not recyclable because of the different materials used in their manufacturing. The thin plastic used to prevent leakage makes it difficult to separate the paper cup. Therefore, the traditional cup cannot be recycled. The supplier for recyclable coffee cups is on the rise with coffee shops around the country responding to the waste management call to minimise waste disposal. The project can enhance its supply in two ways. Firstly, it can erect waste bins at the retail coffee shops and other public spaces such as the streets and parks. Secondly, it can collaborate with second-hand plastic buyers to purchase the recyclable cups. This will ensure a steady flow of material and create a campaign on waste management which will help in building the reputation and brand of the project. Establishing a collection depot and collaborating with other businesses will create a constant flow of supply. The project can use the channel used by existing business such as RecycleMeTM. This involves establishing a programme for the collection of RCH branded cups through the bins placed in various coffee shop outlets. Moreover, partnering with other companies that use recyclable coffee cups can increase the supply for the materials.
The project has a wide target market that covers all the coffee shops in Hawthorn and other businesses such as supermarkets. Given the statistics of the number of coffee cups disposed of daily in Australia, it is evident that the city has a high daily demand for coffee cups. Moreover, campaigns to use environmental-friendly cups will increase the demand over time which will extend through the region and the entire country. When the demand reaches high levels, the project will need to have adequate stock to satisfy the market demands. The project should ensure there is enough stock to supply for three months at any given time. This will ensure the project has a good back up to adjust to changes in market demand and respond in case of unforeseen risks that might affect production. The project must ensure the production is higher than the demand and the stock is adjusted based on market data collected every day or weekly since the statistics will provide insight on the market performance.
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