Budget Worksheet This worksheet contains suggested ranges for most expenses not directly addressed in the activity, based on common amounts for a single person. Use them to estimate your expenses or research the median values for your area. Career _Registered Nurse (RN)________________________________________ IncomeGrossNet Total income from job or careerfor one year $75,000$60,000 EntertainmentYearly CostMovies and subscription service($120-$400)312Vacation ($1,000-$5,000)3000Other ($500-$1,000)500 Subtotal3812 Other Credit Debt or TaxesYearly Cost Student loan payment(10% of gross income per year)7,500 Credit card payment(varies based on balance—$0 if no credit card debt) 0Total estimated taxes besidesfederal income tax (state and local sales taxes, property taxes, state income taxes if applicable) $5,000 Other0 Subtotal12,500 UtilitiesYearly Cost Phone and/or cell phone ($900-$1,200) 1,200 Cable or satellite and internet($1,000-$3,600) 828 Electric and gas ($1,000-$3,000)2,148 Water and sewer ($800-$1,500)820 Waste removal ($150-$300)267 Subtotal5,263 Gifts and DonationsYearly Cost Holidays and birthdays($500 or more) 1000 Charity donatvaryvaries)0 Other0 Subtotal1,000 Personal CareYearly Cost Unless Otherwise Noted All Content © 2022 Florida Virtual School. FlexPoint Education Cloud™ is a trademark of Florida Virtual School.
Health insurance ($2,000-$4,000)2,762 Other medical costs ($500 ormore) 500 Professional grooming, such ashair or nails ($120-$1,500) 700 Clothing and laundry($500 or more) 500 Health club/gym membership($600-$1,200) 240 Organization duevaryees (varies)0 Other0 Subtotal4,702 HousingYearly Cost Mortgage or rent7000 Maintenance and repairs0 Supplies ($600 or more)600 Homeowner's or renter's insurance1,353 Furnishings and upkeep($500 or more) 500 Property tax(if you own property) varies— estimate 1% of home value 1,773 Subtotal11,226 TransportationYearly Cost Auto loan payment0 Bus and taxi fares (varies)0 Auto insurance3,000 Licensing and registration fees($30-$150) 324 Gasoline (typical use)3,000 Maintenance and repairs500 Other0 Subtotal6,824 FoodYearly Cost Groceries ($1,500 or more)3,000 Dining out ($600 or more)1,000 Subtotal4,000 PetsYearly Cost Food ($300 or more)360 Medical ($200 or more)300 Grooming300 Toys100 Other0 Subtotal1,060
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