BSBTWK502 Manage Team Effectiveness - Knowledge Assessment

Assistance on Knowledge Questions

Knowledge Assessment

  1. Discuss how group dynamics can support or prevent team performance.
  2. What strategies could you suggest on how to support team cohesion, participation and performance? Describe them and explain why you chose them for that team.
  3. What strategies could you use to gain consensus from the team? Describe the strategies and discuss their effectiveness.
  4. What issue resolution strategies could you use with the team? Why did you choose those strategies

Practical Assessment

Candidate Instructions

This assessment is a portfolio of evidence designed to assesses your ability to facilitate stakeholder engagement.

To develop your assessment, you can work on either of the following scenarios:

  1. Scenario 1:

Choose an organisation and industry that you are familiar with. For example, a company you have worked for or are working for now.

  1. Scenario 2:

Choose the case study provided by your trainer

This assessment comprises of the following sections:

Section 1: Leadership

Section 2: The Team

Section 3: Liaise with Stakeholders

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Section 1: Leadership

ALL points must be addressed.

  1. Reflect on how Ivana managed and led her team.

What issues have you identified in the dimensions of:

  1. The leader
  2. The situation
  3. The followers
  1. What source/s of power did Ivana use? What influence tacticsWhy?
  2. What type of leadership do you think is needed for the team at ICS to achieve a successful project outcome?
  3. What sources of power could be used, what influence tactics and when?

Section 2: Team Cohesiveness and Team Work

Complete the following tasks, ALL points must be addressed:


1.  Answer the following:

o   What team contribution factors are lacking at ICS?

o   Why?

o   What is the impact on the project and on the organization?

Address the questions using the table below:

Contribution Factors Reason Impact on the project and the organisation
Employee satisfaction    

2.  Based on your analysis in question 5. Discuss the five dysfunction levels for the team at ICS.

Dysfunction Discussion
Absence of trust  
Fear of conflict  
Lack of commitment  
Avoidance of accountability  
Inattention to results  

3.    Describe the team in terms of:

a)    Type

b)    Size

c)    Composition

d)    Organisational context

(Note: you can either address each element or develop a paragraph that touches on all elements).

4.  Reflect on your findings in task 1, how is the current situation affecting team effectiveness?


Consider yourself to be in Jane’s shoes. Answer the questions below, ALL points must be addressed.

1.     Define the project objectives:

a)  Establish the project objectives in line with ICS’ needs.

b)  Describe how you would communicate the project objectives to the team.

2.    Establish the team:

a)    Develop a vision and mission for the team to establish a common understanding of team purpose in accordance with organizational objectives.

b)    Develop a set of key objectives for the team to be achieved.

c)    Determine ground rules/norms and team behaviours for the team. Include a discussion on how you would develop those rules in consultation with the teamWhy is it important to consult with the team?

d)  Develop a skills matrix for the team.

(Note: you should research what skills and knowledge are required for each position and assume the level of proficiency in line with the given scenario.)



Team Member

Skills / Knowledge (SK)

Proficiency 0 to 5 where 0 is poor, 3 is average and 5 is excellent.

<SK> <SK> <SK> <SK> <SK> <SK> <SK> <SK>
New Team Member                

3.  Establish a performance plan:

a)  For each role in the team identify any variations that you would make for a team member based on the scenario and the skills matrix.

Your plan should include:

Role, responsibilities and accountabilities, KPIs and reward for achieving and/or exceeding targets. Use the table below to address this question.

Team member Role Responsibility and accountabilities KPIs Reward
New Team Member        

Develop KPIs for team work.


Consider what you would do in Jane’s position. Answer the questions below, ALL points must be addressed.

1.  Discuss how you would support team members in meeting expected performance outcomes.

2.  Develop a performance planning and review process draft for the team at ICS. You don’t need to provide too much detail, but you should demonstrate that you can address the key points of this type of policy. It is advisable that you research similar policies to gain a better understanding of how the policy could be designed.

Use the table below to work on your draft policy.

Performance Planning and Review Procedure for ICS team.
Procedure Overview  

3.  Describe how you would provide constructive feedback to Lisa and Paul. Focus on content, manner, timing and frequency.

4.  How would you support Paul and Lisa to identify and resolve performance problems?

5.  Describe how you would collect feedback from the team (issues, concerns and problems)

6.  Discuss how you would engage the team to:

a)    Get motivated

b)    Communicate more effectively

c)    Have input into planning, decision making and operational aspects of the team

d)    Value and reward their individual team effect

e)    Assist them with the stress they might experience due to the situation

7.  Discuss how you would lead by example so that your contribution to the work team serves as a role model for others and enhances the organisation’s image for all stakeholders.


Answer the questions below, ALL points must be addressed.

1.  Develop a brief stakeholder communication plan that addresses the following:

a)     Identify and briefly analyze your key stakeholders

b)     Methods, media and frequency used to establish and maintain open communication processes with all stakeholders

2.  How would you communicate information or directives from the board of directors to the ICS team?

3.  ICS team is concerned about the quality of a software in use for the project that is hampering the overall productivity of the team.

a)  How would you communicate the unresolved issue with the board members and follow-up to have it resolved?

b)  What influence tactics could you use?

4.  Discuss how you would see Jane actively and effectively managing her work relationship with the board of directors and a hostile CEO.

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