You are required in the role of Operations Manager to develop:
A Customer Service Plan/Strategy for the business outlined in the following pages (see TASK BRIEFING):
The Customer Service Plan will cover:
- Customers’ expectations on service from the company
- Identified most important factors in delivering professional customer service to the clients (would recommend a table be used within your plan)
- Service delivery methods
- Processes relating to customer service
- Addressing dissatisfied customers
What do I need to complete this assessment?
- Access to Canvas learning materials
- Computer with Microsoft Office (or similar program)
- Access to the internet for research
- Access to consumer legislation/regulations/codes of practice at the following websites:
- Design your own template/report on how you wish to present this Plan/Strategy
- It should be professional; well documented; well designed and laid out in a common sense and efficient manner for reading and referral.
- Simply uploading a word document addressing the points WILL NOT BE SUFFICIENT
What do I need to submit?
- Completed Customer Service Plan/Strategy (typed and in clear and concise English)
- USING YOUR OWN PLAN DESIGN (upload the file)
- Assessment 1 Cover Sheet - completed
What do I need to do if I get something wrong?
If your assessor sees that you have not completed all parts of the task completely or satisfactorily, the details of resubmission will be outlined in the Canvas messages and comments relating to the submission.
Capital Tower is a high-end motel/apartment complex located within the Canberra CBD.
Its clients are mostly professional business people; members of the Australian Public Service, Australian Federal Police; Defence Department; Health Department; DFAT (Foreign Affairs and Trade) and members of Parliament who use the motel as a base when in Canberra for high end business and strategic meetings. Their length of stay varies from 3 night to 7 nights at a time. They rely on taxi/uber or private vehicle hire for transport to meeting locations. They require access to the following during their stay: · High speed Wi-Fi/internet capability · Secure rooms to meet in · Secure aspects within their rooms for documents/weapons to be stored · Laundry Service · Food and Beverage service · Exercise areas/Pool These clients are extremely busy, time poor and work focussed. Their roles and responsibilities are some of the highest in the Country. They have an expectation of the highest possible level of customer service at all levels during their stay at the Capital Tower and will not tolerate anything less. |
The Customer Service Plan will cover:
- Customers’ expectations on service from the company
- Identified most important factors in delivering professional customer service to the clients (would recommend a table be used within your plan)
- Service delivery methods
- Referral to relevant processes relating to customer service
- Addressing dissatisfied customers
Develop a customer service Plan - use YOUR own design
- Using the scenario information given ABOVE in the task briefing and your OWN research, develop a customer service plan for the business
- RESEARCH provisions and plans provided by other high end accommodation within the Canberra/Sydney/Melbourne areas and use this to assist you in the development of your own plan
- The customer service plan should clearly reflect the customer needs you have identified and show how these needs will be satisfied through the service provided.
- The strategy should also document specific and realistic actions, priority and performance of staff within the business.
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