BSBMGT518 Develop Organisation Policy Assessment Task 1


Task Summary:

·         You will be given several questions to answer about policy development.

·         You will use your knowledge and research skills to answer them

·         Your word limit is a MINIMUM of 1000 words for all answers together.

·         Be mindful of plagiarism, use your own words and reference appropriately.

What do I need in order to complete this assessment?

  • Access to a computer and resources assigned in the task
  • Use THIS template to answer your questions, save the document (word or PDF only) and upload with your cover sheet

When is the task due?

  • Due Date is 3rd July 2020

what do I need to do if I get something wrong?

If your assessor sees that you have not shown the right knowledge or skills through the submission of your assessment, they will give you some feedback and you will need update your assessment and resubmit.


Minimum TOTAL word count is 1000.

Answer the following questions: (use this template):

What do I need to upload to Canvas for this task?

Have I completed this?

Assessment Cover Sheet


Task 1 with completed answers to Questions


Question 1)

Explain the general processes and practices used for developing a policy. This can be done as step by step or a list, whichever you prefer:

Question 2)

Explain the policy development cycle:

Question 3)

Pick one of the following industries and answer the following questions in relation to it. (You will need to do significant research on this question)

Highlight which industry (and position) you choose please:

Real Estate  (Sales Agent)                                       Nursing (Registered Nurse in Casualty)

Auto Mechanic (Lead Mechanic)                           Child care (Lead carer in newborn – 1 yr room)

Retail  (Manager of store)                                      Building and Construction (site supervisor)

  1. A) Outline The Policy Development Frameworks For The Industry You Chose:
  2. B) Briefly Describe Why These Frameworks Relate To Your Industry
  3. C) What Role Do Policies Play In Your Work Area And How Are They Related To The JOB YOU Perform?
  4. D) What Are The Key Pieces Of Legislation And The Regulations That Guide The Development Of Your Organisations Policies?
  5. E) What Internal And External Factors MAY Effect Policy Development In Your Chosen Industry?

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