Assessment Task 1 - Unit Knowledge Test (UKT)
- This is an individual assessment.
- The purpose of this assessment task is to assess the students’ knowledge essential to manage operational plan in a range of contexts and industry settings.
- To make full and satisfactory responses you should consult a range of learning resources, other information such as handouts and textbooks, learners’ resources and slides.
- All questions must be answered in order to gain competency for this assessment.
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Resources required to complete the assessment task:
- Computer
- Internet
- MS Word
- Printer or e-printer
- Adobe acrobat/reader
- Unit Assesment Pack
- Learner Guide
- Self-Study Guide
Question 1: What is the purpose of creating an operational plan? Explain in 100-150 words. Also list any five (5) components of an operational plan.
Question 2: What are the main differences between a strategic plan, an operational plan and a business plan? Answer in 150-350 words.
Question 3: What are the integral components of an operational plan? List any five (5).
Question 4: List the six (6) steps used to recruit new staff? What is the relationship between the recruitment criteria and the operational plans? Answer in 150- 200 words.
Question 5: Describe in 100- 150 words, why monitoring workplace performance against budget and productivity plans is important.
Question 6: Consultation is an important part of developing or maintaining an operational plan. Consider the following areas and comment in 20- 50 words for each, on why you think consultation with these areas is advisable:
- Human Resources
- Finances/Accountant
- Marketing
- General Administration
- Production
- Information Technology
Question 7: Describe the process of obtaining approval for an operational plan from relevant authorities in workplace? Answer in 130-200 words.
Question 8: Explain in 150- 300 words, the process of budget allocation for a project in workplace and how work teams are involved in the budgetary decision-making process?
Question 9: Explain how individual and work teams are supported to improve their efficiency and effectiveness at work? Answer in 100-150 words.
Question 10: What is the process for an individual and teams to negotiate approval for variations to the operational plans and gain approval from management? (150-200 Words)
Question 11: Describe the performance review documenting system and how it is managed at workplace? (100-200 Words)
Question 12: Explain in 100 to 150 words, why should companies conduct a SWOT analysis to assess their team’s current capacity. Provide one (1) example.
Question 13: In your own words, explain why key performance indicators (KPIs) are an important part of the operational planning process. Answer in 100-200 words.
Question 14: List two methods to develop key performance indicators (KPI) to fulfil business objectives.
Question 15: Why should you collect variety of alternative options to support your proposal while you are developing an operation plan. Write in 50-100 words.
Question 16: List any three legislations related to operational plan.
Question 17: In your own words, explain key stages in the recruitment process. Answer in 250-300 words.
Question 18: Describe a mechanism for ensuring that operational activities are proceeding according to plan. Answer in 200-400 words:
Question 19: List any three (3) types of financial reports that can be used to track progress and monitor performance? Explain their purpose in 2-3 sentences each.
Question 20: What is a gap analysis? Answer in 100- 200 words.
Question 21: Describe the different types of mentoring. Answer in 150-200 words.
Question 22: Explain the role of performance monitoring in negotiating variations to operational plans. (50-100 Words)
Question 23: List any five (5) organisation’s policies, practices and procedures that directly relate to the operational plan.
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