Short Answer Questions
Question 1
Complete the table below about change management strategy.
a. Identify the six elements of a change management strategy.
b. In 50 words or more, describe the content that must be included in each identified element of the change management strategy.
Question 2
Complete the table below about change management strategy.
a. Outline the five steps involved in the process for developing a change management strategy.
b. Briefly explain how each step must be executed.
Question 3
Complete the tables below about key stakeholders involved in strategic change. Additional instructions are provided below.
A. Internal Stakeholders
a. Identify at least two internal stakeholders relevant during strategic change in an organisation.
b. Discuss the role of each identified internal stakeholder during the strategic change.
B. External Stakeholders
a. Identify at least two external stakeholders relevant during strategic change in an organisation.
b. Discuss the role of each identified external stakeholder during the strategic change.
Question 4
Complete the tables below about organisational principles and their relevance during organisational transformation.
a. In 50 words or more, define each organisational principle listed below.
b. In 50 words or more, explain the importance of aligning organisational transformation with each organisational principle.
Question 5
Complete the table below about strategic change risks.
a. Identify at least three strategic change risks that can arise during a change management process in an organisation/workplace.
b. In 50 words or more, explain the potential impact of each identified strategic change risk on the organisation/workplace.
c. Identify a suitable risk mitigation strategy that can be adopted by the organisation/workplace for each identified strategy change risk.
d. In 50 words or more, explain how the identified risk mitigation strategy can reduce the potential impact of the strategic change risk.
Question 6
Complete the tables below about learning and communication processes during organisational change. Additional instructions are provided below.
A. Learning Processes
a. Identify at least two learning processes relevant during organisational change.
b. In 50 words or more, explain how each identified learning process can help mitigate change risks.
B. Communication Processes
a. Identify at least two communication processes relevant during organisational change.
b. In 50 words or more, explain how each identified communication process can help mitigate strategic change risks.
Question 7
Complete the table below about leadership styles.
a. Identify the six types of leadership styles.
b. In 50 words or more, discuss the potential impact of each leadership style on the change management process of an organisation/workplace.
Question 8
Complete the table below about personal development planning methodologies.
a. Identify at least three processes for personal development planning.
b. In 50 words or more, discuss at least one methodology that can be applied for each personal development planning process of individuals in an organisation/workplace.
Question 9
Complete the table below about the stages of change during organisational transformation.
a. Identify the four stages of change during organisational transformation.
b. In 50 words or more, discuss how each stage of change must be managed for successful organisational transformation.
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