Answer 17:
To successfully delegate the work one has to analyze a few aspects
- The nature of the task should match the skill set of the individual being delegated to.
- The work should be completely delegated rather than partially.
- The task should be delegated if the individual is able to pull off the task in the given time.
- The task should not be of a sensitive or critical nature which requires only your attention.
Answer 18:
Delegation of the task and obtaining the desired results requires some principles to be followed
- Clearly mention the result you desire
- Clearly identify the limitations and constraints
- Empower the individual
- Provide adequate support throughout the task
- Regular review of the task
- Review the final work once it’s delivered.
Answer 19:
- Specific: What one wants to achieve? Where? How? When? With Whom? With what conditions? What are the alternatives to achieving the same objective? Why does it need to be achieved?
- Measurable: The criteria of measurement of achievement like indicators of progress and how many and how much?
- Attainable: The goals set should be realistically possible or achievable with the available resources.
- Relevant: Goals should matter and be relevant to the individual or an organization setting the goals.
- Timely: Goals must be time bounded so there are motivation and a constraint to achieve it within the time frame (Alessio Bresciani, 2019).
Answer 20:
- Heartfelt: The emotional attachment towards the goal? Will it move towards a desirable future or avoid an undesirable one? The stronger it is the stronger the motivation.
- Animated: The visualizing of the goal or the vision of the goal which increases the motivation to achieve the goal.
- Required: Is the set goal necessary for the success of an individual or the company?
- Difficult: The goal should enhance the learning of an individual or an organization and should be challenging to achieve (Alessio Bresciani, 2019).
Answer 21:
The first step that I would perform before allocating task is to familiarize myself with the workplace as quickly as I can to soak up all the information about the company, its policies, and culture. Reviewing all the records of all team members is important to understand the set of skills each obtains in their respective field. Meeting with the team members and having an open discussion about the previous tasks & results, given task, its importance and objective is essential as the group is a tight-knit one the approach where the team members allot themselves specific task due to their skill sets and knowing the limitations of others is the key to delegating this task effectively.
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