BSBHRM613 Contribute to the Development of Learning and Development Strategies

Assessment Task 2: Project


You have been appointed as the Training Manager at “PEC Consultants”. PEC consultants are education consultants. Over the last six months, their business has been slowing down. PEC Consultants is a Nationally Registered Training Organisation (RTO).

The senior managers of the organisation have realised that they are struggling to keep the skills of the team up to date, and because of poor project work delivery, they are losing large-scale organisation contracts. To improve the skills and knowledge of the team members, Ron (Director) and Ben (Operations Manager) have decided to engage you, the Training Manager, to develop a learning strategy and then implement that strategy.

As the Training Manager, you are responsible for the PEC Consultants’ learning and development. The first step is to provide leadership in the formation and development of a learning strategy.

Part A

You need to provide leadership in the formation of a learning strategy for BSB40215 Cert IV in Business (see Appendix 1); To do this, you must carry out the following activities:

  1. Organise a meeting with stakeholder team members, instructional designer, instructors, management, staff, clients and agencies to consult. Your trainer will organise staff and students to play the roles of these stakeholders in the meeting.

Prior to the meeting, develop the consultation and communication processes that will be used to support and encourage stakeholder input into the design, implementation and review of the organisation’s learning strategy. Present this to the meeting attendants as a handout.

During the meeting, you will be discussing the following issues:

  • Expectations from the learning program, technological and system requirements.
  • The communication process - during the meeting, you need to encourage feedback and input to help to form a strong learning strategy.
  • The learning needs and for on-going learning the preferred structure of the learning and development program.
  • Management’s concerns regarding the decline in business and how it is affecting the morale of the team.
  • The expectations of clients and agencies from PEC consultants.
  • Creation of in-built flexibility for change in organisational priorities for the future.
  • Discuss and analyse the impact of organisational learning, and confirm with key stakeholders.
  • The final steps in the implementation process of the learning strategy.

Complete the meeting minutes template provided with this unit (Appendix 2).

  1. Prepare a report using 800 – 1000 words based on the discussions in the meeting.

Guidelines for preparing the report:

  • Start with an introduction, then move on to supporting body paragraphs. Write a conclusion and cite your sources.
  • You must only use authentic and verifiable information.
  • The report should be presented in the provided format.
  • Proofread it.
  • Always make sure to run your ideas by your trainer/assessor to make sure that it is okay that you approach the report in this way.
  • Your report must contain original content and should not be a “copy” of someone else’s work.

Report format:

  • Introduction

(Background) 50~100 words

(Main points of this report) 50~100 words    

  • Body of the report

(Method of investigation) 50 words

(Findings) 400~500 words

(Discussion/Recommendation) 50~100 words

(Conclusion) 50 words

  • References and bibliography
  1. After the meeting with the stakeholders, research and evaluate three (3) methods and approaches to organisational learning to support the strategic requirements in 300-400 words.
  1. Examine and review the organisation’s existing policies and procedures relevant to training and assessment and list any gaps in the existing system. Write your review using 300 – 400 words.
  1. Write an analysis of the following:
  • Current training and development policy
  • Organisation’s existing strategy
  • Requirements or current needs of the organisation.
  • List technological requirements for the learning strategy

Use 400 – 500 words in your response.

  1. Ensure that all available resources, including human resources, learning requirements and learning and development plans, are aligned with the overall objectives of the organisation.

Prepare a detailed report of your findings, send an email and attach your report to Ron, the Director (your trainer/assessor). At the end of your email, ask him to share his thoughts and provide feedback.

Guidelines for preparing the report:

  • Start with an introduction, then move on to supporting body paragraphs. Write a conclusion and cite your sources.
  • You must only use authentic and verifiable information.
  • The report should be presented in the provided format.
  • Proofread it.
  • Always make sure to run your ideas by your trainer/assessor to make sure that it is okay that you approach the report in this way.
  • Your report must contain original content and should not be a “copy” of someone else’s work.

Report format:

  • Introduction
  • Body of the report
  • References and bibliography

Part B

Design and develop an organisational learning strategy.

In this part of the project, you must design and develop an organisational learning strategy using the ‘Learning strategy template’ (see Appendix 3) provided along with this unit. When developing the learning strategy, consider the learning/e-learning objectives in the organisation’s strategic vision.

  1. For the designing and development of the learning strategy, consider the following key points:
  • The learning strategy should be designed to include the requirements of instructors, learners and the organisational strategic requirements.
  • Include relevant units of competency, modules from accredited courses or non-accredited training specifications in the organisational learning strategy.
  • The learning strategy to be flexible and promote continuous improvement in the system.
  • Learning strategy should promote responsiveness to changed circumstances and priorities.
  1. In the development stage of a learning strategy, it is important to clearly define all the process for smooth implementation of the learning strategy; for that purpose, as a specialist, you need to consider the following important key processes:
  • Simplify the steps of resource allocation to establish processes or modify the existing process and procedures for allocating and managing the resources and staff required to implement the organisational learning strategy.
  • Structure compliant assessment and recognition policies and processes appropriate to organisational strategic requirements.
  • Structure procurement and supply policies and processes appropriate to organisational strategic requirements.
  • Ensure that the learning strategy is complying with all relevant legislation.
  1. To implement the learning strategy, you need to list clear steps for all processes above.
  2. Prepare a learning strategy manual for PEC consultants. Guide through clear instructions as well as clear explanations of all the steps or process and procedures related to the learning strategy.
  3. Organise a meeting with the Director and Senior Management and present the designed learning strategy to the stakeholders. Seek their feedback on the learning strategy.

Note: The role of the Director will be played by the trainer/assessor. Other roles will be allocated to students by the trainer/assessor.

  1. As per feedback, update the learning strategy and then send an email to Ron (Director) for approval to implement the updated learning strategy.
  2. After approval, you need to have a meeting with Ron and Senior Management to discuss:
  • Implementation timelines and the appropriate processes for the learning strategy
  • Required resources for the implementation of the learning strategy
  • The monitoring of the implementation of learning strategy
  • Procedures to liaise with educators, learners and others and monitor learning and development strategies and learning and development resources
  1. After the meeting, confirm the above details with Ron by sending an email, concluding the discussion during the meeting or meeting minutes.

You must use the templates below to complete this part of the assessment task:

  • Learning strategy template (Appendix 3)
  • Meeting minutes templates (Appendix 2).

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