BSBCRT511 Assessment 2 of 2 (Part 4 -4.1).v1.0

School: Victorian Institute of Technology - Course: ACCOUNTING BSBFIM501 - Subject: Accounting

Part 4. Improve Critical and Creative Thinking Practices Task Overview This part of the project requires you to develop recommendations for future learning arrangements. Specifically, you are required to: Analyse feedback from individuals and teams on critical and creative thinking opportunities Develop recommendations for improvements in future learning arrangements according to relevant legislation and organisation policies Resources Required: To complete this project, you will need access to the following: A simulated workplace environment that will allow you access to: oLegislation relevant to the identified areas for improvement for future learning arrangements Legislation accessed must be applicable to the state/territory you are located in. These can include, but are not limited to the following: Fair Work Act 2009 Work Health and Safety Act 2011 oOrganisational operational policies and procedures required to address the areas for improvement for future learning arrangements These can include, but are not limited to the following: Personal Development Procedure Minimising Use of Resources Procedure Victorian Institute of Education Pty ltd Level 3, 741 George St, HAYMARKET| Unit 1, 159 Queen St, Campbelltown| Suite 2, Ground Floor, 97 Pirie St, ADELAIDE, South Australia | Phone: 1300 852 205| RTO Code: 45273 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03778C Version : 1.2Last Updated: 31 July 2021Next Update: 30 July 2022Page 1 of 3 Task 4.1 Analyse Feedback Collected SIMULATED ASSESSMENT INSTRUCTIONS 1.Review the responses provided by the teams and individuals in theFeedback Formsfrom Task 3.2. 2.Analyse the feedback collected from both teams using theFeedback Analysis Form provided within this workbook. Complete the following section in theFeedback Analysis Form: a.Team and Individual Feedback Refer to the feedback collected in theFeedback Formsfor each area of facilitation listed below: oFacilitator Knowledge oInformation Presentation oPhysical Resources Count the total number of tick marks all team members marked for each criteria in their completedFeedback Forms. Total number of tick marks must correspond to the total number of team members of both teams. Identify the aspects of facilitation that has majority of its ratings under either 'Disagree', 'Strongly Disagree', or 'N/A'. Record them under Aspects for Improvement Record all the specific comments provided by the team members at the end of theFeedback Formsin theCompiled Commentssection

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