Type of Collaboration: | Individual |
Due: | Before 11:59pm on Sunday 12 June, 2022. |
Format: | A briefing paper should include the following:
Length: | 1,500 words |
Referencing Style | Harvard Referencing Style Guide
iCite tool |
Curriculum Mode: | Professional Task |
As part of this assessment you are asked to imagine that The NSW Government is seeking submissions from relevant stakeholders in the field of youth justice (e.g. police, legal aid, case managers, adolescent psychologists, advocacy groups, teachers and researchers) in relation to the following proposals:
- Abolish the principle of ’doli incapax’ from criminal matters involving children aged 10 - 14 years of age.
- Abolish the requirement for ’admission of guilt’ from the Young Offenders Act 1997 NSW to support increased use of diversionary measures in responding to youth offending.
- Re-allocate $3 million in state funding away from youth detention centres and invest it in the expansion of the NSW Youth Koori Court system.
Your Task: Select ONE of the above proposals and write a 1,500 word (+/-10% leniency) ’briefing paper’ advising the NSW Government of the possible consequences, of the proposal in question, for young people in NSW. As a general Guide your Briefing Paper MUST:
- Include a minimum of 5 scholarly sources (e.g. journal articles, books, book chapters, and respected government research papers and website).
- Must acknowledge the ideas of others; reference direct quotes properly using the Harvard referencing system and include a reference list at the end. The reference list is NOT included in the 1,500 word count, but in-text references are,
- Viewpoints need to be substantiated using relevant literature, empirical evidence, and convincing argument.
- The briefing paper must be word-processed, doubled spaced and use a 12pt font that is legible.
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