Briefing Paper on the Experience/ Health Journey of a Vulnerable Population Group During the COVID- 19 Pandemic - Assignment Help

Assignment Help on Briefing Paper

Briefing paper Value: 60%

Length: 1000 words

This assignment will address the following learning outcomes:

Critically review the role of the nurse in primary care settings within a primary healthcare framework (LO 1)

Demonstrate knowledge and skills required to support vulnerable populations within a variety of primary health care settings (LO 2)

Demonstrate critical thinking skills for safe and competent nursing practice in primary care settings (LO3)

Investigate approaches used to work with the consumer and other health professionals to provide patient-centred care in primary care settings (LO 4)


Demonstrate engagement with and understanding of core content delivered in this unit, including: PHC principles, the role of the Primary health care nurse, cultural safety principles and patient centred care delivery to vulnerable groups in PHC settings.

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This task requires you to write a briefing paper to inform/educate other healthcare workers in your PHC network on the experience/ health journey of a vulnerable population group during the COVID- 19 pandemic, and the role of the nurse within the PHC framework/ setting in supporting patient centred care.

In your brief, please address the following points using quality academic resources, such as peer reviewed literature and government or medical and health professional web-based sources. You will need to cite literature specifically relating to your chosen vulnerable cohort/population during the COVID-19 pandemic.

You are required to choose a vulnerable population group: HOMELESS PEOPLE

Please consider the following in your briefing paper ON HOMELESS PEOPLE:

  • Describe and discuss how this population group have been impacted by the COVID-19 Pandemic since early 2020. You may include, for example: access to primary health care related services, complying with COVID restrictions and access to COVID vaccinations, the impacts of lock-downs, border closures and other social and mobility limitations imposed during the pandemic by governments and health
  • Please include some discussion on the role of the nurse in a primary care setting, in supporting your vulnerable population, and consider:
    • the principles of PHC
  • cultural safety as this applies to your chosen group
  • approaches used to work with and support this group and the effectiveness of
  • Please include in your brief how any relevant social determinants of health have been impacted for this population group during the pandemic

This assessment can be approached from a variety of perspectives. Use the marking rubric to guide you with what is expected for this assessment task. There has been a large body of literature published about the barriers and enablers for vulnerable groups experiencing the pandemic globally. It is expected that you will do some in-depth literature searching and reading about how your chosen vulnerable group was impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Important to note:

Some sources state that a briefing paper is generally no longer than 2 pages, however in this instance, your paper needs to be longer to demonstrate your engagement with, and understanding of the core concepts delivered cross this unit. We have asked you to write this as a briefing paper, because you will be expected to access these kinds of documents as part of your clinical practice as an RN, and you may even be required to write one.

You will need to do your own self-directed research and learning to access literature published since the start of the Covid 19 pandemic.


APA 7th

Minimum 10 quality, references

Word Count:

1000 words


Font size 12, style Times New Roman, Calibri or Arial. Use double or 1.5 spacing.

Name, student number and page on header or footer of each page. Use headings as you see fit

What is a briefing paper ?

A briefing paper is designed to provide information quickly and effectively about an issue. It is often used to influence decisions or offer solutions. Briefings can be delivered as short written documents or presented in person.

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