https://blaci https://blackboard towson Homework and Tests - Isaac omials - COL Algebra Baseline Quiz-COL Name Algebra Baseline Quiz (30 points) Note: Please make sure that all work is shown for full credit. 1. (R.3 Polynomials) Perform the indicated operation. (2r + 11s)? 2.(R.3 Polynomials) Perform the indicated operation. 8x2 + 11x - 4 x + 3 o H https://blackboard t Algebra Baseline Quiz-COL omework and Tests - Isaac noma - COL 3. (R.3 Polynomials) Perform the indicated operation. (6x2 - 5x + 6) – (4x² + 9x - 2) 4. (R.4 Factoring Polynomials) Factor. 8x + 2x - 15 5. (R.4 Factoring Polynomials) Factor. x² – 25 esc 00 F https://blackboard.towsone... https://black Homework and Tests - Isaac mals-COL Algebra Baseline Quiz-COL.. 6. (R.5 Rational Expressions) Perform the indicated operation. c²_16 4c-16 2c2+2c-24 - 12c2-72c+81 7. (R.5 Rational Expressions) Perform the indicated operation. and Y---4x+3 X -T 8. (R.6 Rational Exponents) Simplify each expression. Write answers without negative exponents. -8y?p-2 -2y-4p3 9.(R.7 Radical Expressions) Simplify each expression in exact radical form. 180 10. (R.7 Radical Expressions) Simplify each expression in exact radical form. 6- 416 :11:09CQBROHO zxcvomi
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