Blackboard Learn @ Luminis Platform 52.2 M UCM Gmail G Google Stoney [Explicitl (Delu Cloud...

Blackboard Learn @ Luminis Platform 52.2 M UCM Gmail G Google Stoney [Explicitl (Delu Cloud Integrations w. , Digital Le -+ Automatic Zoom data one finds the following values listed for this reaction: A 3.98 x 101 sI, E, 160 kJ/mol. Calculate the value of the rate constant at room temperature, 25°C, and (b) at 3270. 10. What is the activation energy for a reaction if its rate constant is found to triple when the temperature is increased from 300 K to 310 K? 11. Rate constants for the isomerization of acetonitrile, CH,NC(g) ? CH,CN(g), were found to be: T (K) k (s) 470 5.79 x 10-5 490 3.10 x 104 510 145 x 103 530 6.05 x 103 Use this data to graphically determine activation energy and the Arrhenius constant (A). T (K) k (s') 480 136 x 104 500 6.81 x 104 520 3.01 x 103 12. Reactant A' can undergo either of two first-order reactions AQ The value of k, and k2 are equal at 70°C, and the activation energies associated with the two rate constants are 64.4 kJ/mol (ki) and 85.8 ?mol (k). At what temperature is the value of k2/k-2 (or, at what temperature is the rate of Q formation twice that of P formation).

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