PE 560 Field Notes Victoria Mahoney Arizona State University SPE 560 Dr. Changan Yuan CI: Paisley Martin March 30, 2023
I. List at least two tasks from theBACB Task List Fifth Editionand at least one item from the Ethics Code for Behavior Analyststhat are related to the module: ●G-4: Use stimulus and response prompts and fading (e.g., errorless, most-to-least, least- to-most, prompt delay, stimulus fading). ●G-9: Use discrete-trial arrangement. ●2.14 Selecting, Designing, and Implementing Behavior-Change Interventions II. Alignment to the BACB Task List and Ethics Code. During this module, we learned about Task G-4. Task G-4 is "Use stimulus and response prompts and fading. On the comprehension check we were given a variety of questions relating to response prompts and fading. For example, there was a question that states, "Which of the prompts below is a response prompt?". We were given four choices to choose from all relating to real life situations. This question came with a hint that clarified the difference between stimulus prompts and response prompts. The examples and clarification will be used in the field because the repose prompt impacts the function of the response, whereas the stimulus prompt impacts the stimulus. With that question it gave two options, both dealing with tapping. However, one was tapping the picture to provoke the student to select the correct picture, while the other was tapping the student until they followed the directionto stand up. There were more questions throughout the module that reflected this task. The second task we looked at was to use discrete trial arrangements. On the task list, this task is G-9. During this module we were asked to complete two Relias trainings that were on
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Discrete Trials. The Relias incorporated activities and review questions for us to complete. The example we were given in the training was "Give me red" and the child would give the instructor red. This will be used out in the field when I need to teach an individual with ASD basic skills. For example, I would use Discrete trial arrangements to help an individual learn letters or how to pronounce different sounds. (Davin, 2018). Lastly, we practiced writing our own intervention goals. This is connected to the Ethics Code 2.14 Selecting, Designing, and Implementing Behavior-Change Interventions. During this module, we wrote our own goals. This will be useful out in the field when we are required to write intervention goals. Reference: Behavior Analyst Certification Board. (2020). Ethics code for behavior analysts. Behavior Analyst Certification Board. (2017). BCBA task list (5th ed.). Littleton, CO: Author BCBA Task List (5th ed.) ( Davin, R. Ph.D., BCBA-D.(2018). Relias Learning. Discrete Trial Implementation.Relias - Follett Bookstore DBA Arizona State University (
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