Assignment 3: Major Project Presentation

Assignment Help on Project Presentation


Assessment 3

Major Project Presentation

Due:                      Week 12

Weighting:             40%

Type:                    Visual/Experiential Presentation

Learning Outcomes:

  1. research and analyse a nominated topic for development of a major project;
  2. develop advanced concepts as solutions to a communication objective;
  3. plan, manage and execute all stages of a major project production;
  4. consider and respond to mentor feedback and critique;
  5. present a major project of professional standard to an industry


The student must present the major project to an industry panel for review.

They must discuss their research process and insights discerned from this, as well as the relevance, audience and outcomes of the project.


The project can be presented in whatever form is appropriate for the content. However, a digital file (PDF, MOV etc) must be uploaded to the college’s online learning platform for marking.

Learning Outcomes (Summary):

The student must demonstrate professional competence in researching, discerning insights, developing solutions, planning, managing and executing all stages of a major project production. In addition, they must consider and respond to mentor feedback and critique; and present a major project of professional standard to an industry panel.

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