AssetsLiabilities + equity Cash8+Preparedinsur7ance equipmentAccountreceivable=KacySpadecapitalKacyspadewithdrawal 48Revenue forprovide a costumer expenses 81862956 626289202902929209029950012616 1616015626882682862552 42456451561480648024526 456456456145645600156456456456456426456 42468484682 4684684284826468486248264684864826 48264826486486246848264826468246848264682524564 564864826526418140815 81189189156619616516 5156165156161651651651561651651561 65156$1575 $94850$10,000 $2541107725$107725 i
DateAccount titles andExplanation PRDebitCredit 1CashKacy Spade Capital100,750 100,750 2CashOffice Supplies$1250 $1250 3EquipmentAccount payable$10050 $10050 4CashRevenue$15500 $15500 5CashAccount Payable$10050 $10050 6Account receivableRevenue$2700 $2700 7CashExpenses$1225 $1225 8CashAccount receivable$1125 $1125 9Kacy Spade withdrawalCash$10000 $10000 Total152650152650
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T account CashKacy Spade C.Office Supplies Account receivableKacy Spade withdrawalExpensesdebitcredit $100750(1)$1250(2) $15500(4)$10050( 5) $1125(8)$1225(7) $10000( 9) debitCredit $100750(1) debitcredit $1250(2) Debitcredit $2700(6)$1125(8)
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