Assessment Task 3 Report

Assessment Task 3: - Report

Due Date: November 14th, 2021 11:55pm

Weighting: 20%

Word Count: 1000 words

Task Aim:

The purpose of this task is to enable you to describe and share a range of strategies for involving parents/carers in the educative process. On professional experience(placement) you will have had the opportunity to observe and discuss some ideas with your Mentor Teacher and will have tried some strategies of your own.

Task Requirements:

In a report format, as a word document, you are to describe a range of strategies for involving parents/carers in the educative process. In the report, identify the strategy, explain briefly how it is implemented, what support may be needed for parents/carers and staff. Then critically reflect on how involving parents/carers support quality standards, code of ethics and current frameworks.

The following criteria will be used to assess your report:

  • Describes a range of strategies for involving parents/carers (5 Marks)
  • Explains how the strategy is implemented and considers support for parents/carers and staff (5 Marks)
  • Draws links to national quality standards, codes of ethics and current frameworks (5 Marks)
  • Demonstrates consistent professionalism with consideration given to academic conventions (grammar,
  • spelling, sentence structure, accurate APA (7th Edition) referencing, support from literature and learning
  • (5 Marks)

The marking criteria sheet specifies the weighting and marks available for each critera. A mark will be awarded

for each criterion depending on the extent to which the criterion is addressed. For assessment tasks uploaded

by the due date, feedback can be expected within 21 days in the Assessment section of Moodle.

You should devote the equivalent of 10 mins daily while on placement observing strategies for involving

parents/carers in the educative process. There wiill be many opportunities throughout the day to observe this,

however a good time is when children are dropped off and collected from the service. Some discussion time

with your Mentor Teacher is also advisable. An additional two or three hours should be spent preparing your


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