Assessment Task 3: Rapid Evidence Review Strategy


Your final assignment requires you to develop a strategy for doing a rapid evidence review to systematically analyse the research evidence that relates to a current policy issue. Rapid evidence reviews are more systematic and formal explorations fo the evidence bases that what you might see in a general review of the literature.

Your Task

You have already identified the question that you would use to guide the rapid evidence review. You may reframe this in accordance with the feedback you got on the second assignment. In this assignment you need to develop and detail your search strategy you will use to locate relevant research. This should detail the search terms you will use and places you will search (names of databases, other repositories etc)

You should also detail what criteria you would use for including and excluding research studies and what tools you would use to evaluate the quality of research papers. Your decisions should be justified with reference to the literature and you should identify any limitations of your strategy. For example, you might decide only to include papers published in English. You should reflect on why you would do that (usually a time/resource consideration) and then indicate how that might impact the results and why it is reasonable to take that approach anyway. You might also have exclusion criteria around particular participants or kinds of research methodologies etc. The purpose of inclusion/exclusion criteria in rapid evidence reviews is to appropriately narrow the scope so that you can do it in less time - without significantly compromising the credibility or usefulness of the review.

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