Assessment task 1: Graduate Teacher Standards and Education Philosophy
Objective(s): a, c, d, e and f
Weight: 40%
Task: Part A - 10% - Graduate Teacher Standards Mapping
Students review the subjects undertaken (autumn and spring 2021) in relation to the APST graduate standards covered in each of the subjects. Students submit a mapping template that aligns the respective graduate standards against the corresponding subject(s).
Part B - 30% - Education Philosophy: Classroom Management and Graduate Standards
Students present an education philosophy based on content covered in this course and by drawing on own personal experiences. The philosophy must address two underlying themes: classroom management and graduate standards. By drawing on content covered in this subject, students explain essential practices for effective classroom management and discipline. In relation to the standards, students justify the impact on student learning for any six standards covered in this course but not ones addressed in this subject e.g. 2.5.1 Know and understand literacy and numeracy strategies and their application in teaching areas.
Length: Part A: Mapping Template (200 words); Part B: Education Philosophy (800 words)
Due: Week 9 (Sunday 7 November)
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