Assessment cover sheet Assessment Cover Sheet Qualification code and titleFNS40217 Certificate IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping Unit code and titleFNSTPB402 Establish and maintain payroll systems Learner's name and ID Assessment number andmethod Assessment 1 - Video Observation Assessor's nameLeanne Drake Due date Submission☐First Submission☐Resubmission Learner Instructions It is your responsibility to turn in the required assessment to the assessor by the due date One extension for up to two weeks may be granted only if a written application is made and approved before the due date (Refer to Application for extension of time) Resubmissions must be lodged by the date negotiated with the assessor Please see the Student Handbook for information regarding work that has been deemed Not Satisfactory Learner declaration Hereby declare that this is my own work and that all non- original information is appropriately acknowledged. No part of this assessment has been written/created for me by any other person. I am aware of the consequences of plagiarism and will abide by the Student Code of Conduct Policy & Procedure in this regard. I understand my assessment material may be used for continuous improvement purposes. I have retained a copy of this assessment. Learners Signature Date Note: When this Assessment Cover Sheet is submitted via email, it will be deemed to have the same authority as a signed declaration
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