Assessment 2: Details and instructions
Assessment 2 Pedagogical philosophy: Gender and education
Weighting 35%
Word count/length 1600 words
(+/-10%; The reference list is not included in the word count but in-text citations are)
Demonstrate advanced theoretical understanding of gender, sexuality, society and education (SILO 1)
Critically analyse the relationships between gender, sexuality, society and education and how these are formed (SILO 2)
Pedagogy is the most outward expression of how a teacher considers that teaching and learning best take place (Coffey 2021). It refers to the practical, theoretical and ideological understandings teachers have in relation to the experiences they provide to students (Webster & Ryan 2019). It is informed by our philosophy of teaching: what we value and consider the purposes of education to be.
The purpose of this task is to have you critically engage with your own pedagogical and philosophical position/s towards gender and education. Having a sense of our own positions, or how we consider that teaching and learning best take place, can help us to think critically, creatively, and ethically about how we approach the educational experiences that we create for our students. This is especially important as gender can often remain unacknowledged and unexamined when it comes to schooling and education.
As part of this you might closely examine your own 'hidden curriculum' of gender that you have encountered in your lived experiences, and use your theoretical learning from EDU5GE to help you to unpack how your understanding of gender has been shaped, and how you are now starting to think about gender. You might also consider how different approaches towards gender can address such hidden curricula in schooling and education.
Task details
In this assessment task, you will detail your own pedagogical and philosophical position in relation to gender and education, justifying your position with reference to the concepts addressed in this subject, and supported by relevant academic scholarship and literature.
Use these guiding questions to help develop your understanding about what this task requires of you:
Understanding gender
How do you understand gender?
Why do you understand gender in this way, rather than another way?
Approach to gender in education
What is your emerging pedagogical/philosophical position towards gender and education, and why?
How does this relate to the issues you have learnt about regarding gender and education, if at all?
Academic writing and conventions
Have you proofread and edited your work? Not only for spelling, but also clarity and cohesion of your arguments?
Have you checked that your referencing complies with APA7? Not only for in-text citations and referencing, but also that all ideas are appropriately acknowledged and cited?
NOTE: You may not submit work that has been previously submitted for assessment, or that has been written by anyone other than yourself.
For a highly detailed and specific understanding of what this task expects you to do, you should read the rubric (see SLG, or link provided below). The rubric not only sets out the criteria for assessment (i.e., conceptual understanding of gender, justification of pedagogical position towards gender in education) but also describes in detail what your submission needs to demonstrate at each range of performance (i.e., 'exemplary', 'distinguished', 'competent', 'developing', or 'not achieved').
Resources and readings relevant to the assessment
As a starting point, you should use the reading list and materials from the classes. These contain extensive materials. If you do need to consult further resources, ensure you are using reputable sources (e.g., peer reviewed, from reputable journals). The Library search functions can assist you with this. The videos below have been created for Education students by Judith Beach, the Senior Learning Librarian supporting the School of Education.
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