Assignment 5: Aspects and ImpactsName: Instructions: As lead auditor you have to develop the aspects and impacts for the auditee. Your team will to auditing an education institution. You must identify three activities for this facility and prepare the aspect and impact for each activity. ActivitiesAspectsImpacts Snow removal fromroadways, driveways,walkways, parking lots andentrances.Rock salt (NaCl) is by farthe most commonly usedde-icing product due to itsrelatively inexpensive costand ease of application.The use of rock salt, and other chloride-based products, can have a significant impact on the environment through surface run-off, which includes (soils, vegetation, wildlife, streams and aquatic life, groundwater), especially when used carelessly or over-applied. HeatingTo heat the buildings, theinstitution use fossil fuellike diesel, stored in anabove ground storage tanks(AST)Burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions which are responsible of global warming. As well, the AST could possibly cause a leak or have been leaking without notice. Chemistry, Biology andMicrobiology labsHeavy metals, flammablesolvents, acids, and basesare chemical componentsthat become hazardouswaste or dangerous goodsIf these chemicals are improperly stored, managed, transported or disposed, could affect the environment with negative impacts in climate crisis, wildlife, natural environment and public health.
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