The behaviour of individuals is generally defined by their respective gender roles within society and men are generally under pressure to limit their emotional vulnerability, as compared to women. This has led to the situation, where men are reluctant to seek social support for dealing with issues, like; anxiety, depression, panic disorders and mental health issues (Goodman et al., 2014). Although, the social issues could be of various types, depending upon the specific situation of an individual, yet underlying research has chosen to maintain its focus on depression, anxiety and mental health issues being experienced by men. The prior research in Australia has highlighted that every one in five men is likely to experience these issues (National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing, 2018). For instance, it was found in the survey that around 75% of men were experiencing psychological distress and mental health issues, while 11% were experiencing anxiety, depression, social phobia and panic disorders (National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing, 2018). It can be seen in the figure 1 that male above age 85 years are more prone towards depression and other mental health issues, indicating that there is need to develop any intervention for offering social supporting to this groups of people.
Figure 1. Age specific psychological pressure
Source; National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing (2018)
In order to dig deeper into the underlying research issue, the region of Berwick has been chosen which is suburb region on the south east of Melbourne Victoria and of its total population that is comprised of 47,674 people, 48.6% are male while remaining 51.4% are females (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2018). The figure 2 provides details on population of people above age of 50 years in Berwick and indicates that there is huge potential in this community to seek help for dealing with social issues. Therefore, this research is emphasizing on offering social help to males living in Berwick with age of 50 years and above.
Figure 2. Population of Berwick based on age distribution of 50 years and above
Source; Australian Bureau of Statistics (2018)
Problem Statement and significance of research
Generally, it is observed that men are less likely to seek help regarding their emotional and psychological needs, which contributes significantly in further deterioration of their health (Beyond Blue, 2018b). This conception has called for attention of researchers to explore the reasons that why men are reluctant to seek help for their social problems how these barriers can be eliminated for enhancing engagement of men in social conversations. The research on this issue has considered that there are vital reasons which might restrict men to seek social support on their emotional, physical and mental issues (Gillespie et al., 2009). For instance, the masculine nature of men is considered as one cause behind their reluctance to seek social support, among many others. Therefore, the underlying research has been motivated to further explore this issue, such that any community based group can be developed to encourage men for getting engaged in social conversations. By generating awareness among aged men of Berwick, about the importance of seeking help on their issues, this project has significantly contributed in overall wellbeing of community and has also helped to address real life social issue.
Aim and objectives of research
The main aim of this project is to explore the reasons that why men in Berwick are less likely to seek social help on their issues such as depression, anxiety, emotional distress, psychological distress and mental health. The purpose is to offer ways through which greater support can be offered to this group of population.
The following key objectives are addressed in this research;
- To explore the reasons of reluctance of men to seek social help on issues like; depression, anxiety, emotional distress, psychological distress and mental health.
- To identity issues experienced by men living in Berwick, with age of 50 years and above.
- To overcome the social issues of men in the community through giving them a forum to discuss difficult subjects in a comfort environment and get some sort of relief to anxiety and depression.
- To offer suggestions through which OM:NI Men’s discussion group of Brentwood Park Neighbourhood house can be encouraged to offer help to men regarding their ability to be open, to take responsibility, to be authentic, to embrace their feeling and to share their problems.
Literature Review
The mental health surveys of Australia have highlighted that issues of anxiety and depression are prevailing among population, both men and women. It has been highlighted in survey of Health and Human services, that one in every five Victorians are experiencing anxiety, which shows that 10% of total population is suffering from issues of anxiety and depression (Health and Human Services, 2016). Moreover, it has been indicated that of people who have visited clinical psychologists, around 50.5% were female while remaining 49.5% were male (Health and Human Services, 2016). According to Beyond Blue (2017), over one million Australian people experience depression in their lives that costs employers approximately AUD$8 billion per annum as a result of absence and sickness. Given the seriousness of the problem, it is encouraged to start a community project that promotes communication with older men so that their social issues can be heard of to keep up their mental standard.
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