School of Arts and Sciences Policy Acknowledgement SEMESTER AND YEAR:2022 INSTRUCTOR: Deshannon Smith COURSE: SPC 200SECTION: 001 DAY(S) OF WEEK: 1/26, 2/28, 3/2, 3/7,4/4, 4/6 [If online section, insert "Online" here. If hybrid section, list day(s) you meet on campus.] TIME(S): 12:45 pm - 2:05 pm [If online section, insert "Online" here. If hybrid section, list time(s) you meet on campus.] EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION NAME:Jerry Newell RELATIONSHIP TO STUDENT:Father PHONE NUMBER:864-360-6324 I have met the prerequisite for this course as listed in the syllabus.Yes☒ No☐ If no, please explain your enrollment in this course:Click or tap here to enter text. Read the acknowledgement statement below and sign in order to access and complete this course: I have carefully read the School of Arts and Sciences Policies, Departmental Policies, and Course Syllabus and agree to comply with all policies. I understand the requirements of the above-mentioned course. Additionally, I agree to abide by the Greenville Tech Campus Policies and Regulations and Student Code from the Student Handbook portion of the Greenville Tech Catalog on the Greenville Tech website. Typed Name (if submitted electronically): Lauren Newell Date: Printed Name (if submitted physically):_____________________________________________ Signature (if submitted physically):________________________________________________ Date:___________________
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