Article Critique Assignment Help

Assignment Help on Critique Epidemiological Study

The goal of this task is for you to apply your skills in epidemiology to critique an epidemiological study published in the peer-reviewed literature.

Word Count 150 words maximum for each checklist question

Assessment Criteria and Rubric

Rubrics help you to understand what knowledge and skills you need to demonstrate in your assessments. They also show you how your submission will be marked and what is expected at the different grade levels. The Rubric is below.

  1. Identification of characteristics of a study
  2. Critically assess and interpret the effects of potential bias, confounding and error
  3. Quality of communication of the findings of an article critique.

Task Instructions

  • Critically appraising epidemiological evidence is an important professional skill used in practice to inform public health and other health discipline decision-making.
  • The article critique will enable you to critically appraise a study, which you will also assist with Task 3. 
  • Article critique
  • You are to use and complete the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP)  checklist to critique the peer-reviewed article

The CASP checklist consists of 10 questions over three (3) broad areas that need to be considered when appraising research. Answer the checklist questions in the order in which they are presented. The first two (2) questions are screening questions. If the answer to both questions is “yes”, the remaining questions of the checklist are answered. There is some overlap between the questions. You are required to record a “yes”, “no” or “can’t tell” to most of the questions. Italicised prompts are given after each question as “HINTS”. These are designed to assist you in thinking about what to consider when answering each question. Record your reasons for your answers in the “Comments:” spaces provided under each question thinking about the “HINT” provided and your epidemiological knowledge. You will be assessed on your demonstrated understanding of epidemiological concepts when answering each checklist question by the reasons you provide in the “Comments:” section of the template. Your responses in the “Comments:” section under each question should be a maximum of 150 words.

Your article critique is to:

  • Report at the top of the CASP checklist template the reference of the article you have selected using any standardised referencing style, and
  • Include completion of all 10 CASP checklist questions, including comments explaining the reasons for the scores given for each question in the “Comments:” section using no more than 150 words each.

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