Major Essay
While population growth ranks amongst one of the highest priority global problems, what is missed in the process is infant and mother mortality in the face of unsafe, unhygienic and inadequate birthing facilities. Birthing protection is as important as is the population controlling policy. And with a particular focus on the developing world, where overpopulation is rampant (South Asia for instance), the safe birthing facilities deserve equal if not more regard for the protection and sustenance of a healthy population. As a research area, the safe birthing facilities segment of population control and population sustenance is just as important a tent of any population policy that is formulated in the future, especially in the developing world. Largely because mortality rate is high, strong and relevant research is needed in this domain to enhance current population targeting policies. By exploring the current conditions on this issue does the research aim to provide a mechanism by which safe birthing can help improve mortality rates, and also assist with the population issue, as aware mothers are likely to reconfirm the fact that regulation and facilities are birthing are essential for the sustenance of the current population.
Often times the problem with regards to the issue of population, is either overpopulation with a considerable amount of young, or there is limited population where countries are dominated with an overall aging population. These trends based on each country have created an intricate web of global population problems which at the same time demands to be addressed regarding population growth, but also regarding population sustenance. The fact of the matter is that safe birthing has been a much contested field when it comes to available and operational facilities for mothers all across the globe; not only with respect to various developing countries but also in the rural segments of fast developing countries such as the Middle East, China or Bangladesh. Although birthing facilitation is much more readily available in these developed regions, it must not be forgotten and as Drysdale (2010, p.123) stresses upon with reference to the case in Oman, the falling death rates amongst the old coupled with the rising birth rate among the young, additional to the cultural structure which ensures that many young brides are likely to birth considerable young in the predicted period, birthing facilitation, along-with the ultimate resources to take care of the needs of the populace such as food and water are in the danger of falling in a shortage to cater to their needs. By birthing safety and facilitation, the research also aims to target the population sustenance framework, and this can only be done when one considers that appropriate birthing facilitation also includes consulting and informing the young mothers about the likelihood of danger is one opts for too many pregnancies and then ultimately deliveries. This availability of facilities is likely to help enhance the education and awareness amongst the families via their women who will then be careful about the next time they decide to have a child, as a healthy child who’s needs can be facilitated and catered to is a vital element of not the population sustainability policy, and also in the long-run helps in the reduction of colossal population growth - which is proving detrimental to the resources on the earth.
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