Analysis of Hrm Functions Essay Assignment

Assignment Help on CCHRM Essay

Assessment Details

Assignment Brief

Please note the slight difference in word count weighting and assessment criteria weighting – due to marks allocated for academic skills.

Students re-sitting the module should revisit and improve their first sit submission, taking account of feedback.

  • Explain what is meant by CCHRM and the distinct issues involved in managing human resources within the context of increasing globalisation. Support your explanation with relevant theoretical concepts (Word count Weighting 40%)
  • Critically analyse using academic literature, the challenges involved in relation to two of the following topics: Recruitment & Selection; Training & Development; Performance Management; Communication; Leadership for organisations operating in a global environment. (Word count Weighting 30%)
  • In conclusion, evaluate what HR functions and managers can do in those organisations to address the challenges using examples from the literature to support your proposals. (Word count Weighting 30%)

Construct your assignment in 6000 words (+/-10%) (excluding bibliography and appendices) as an essay, using full academic referencing protocols (in text and bibliography) according to the Harvard style. Use sources from the online journals and the online databases (eg Emerald, EBSCO, Sage, Wiley etc, accessed through library online) and other literature. This will enable you to access current research on your chosen topic, to identify articles which are relevant to your work and allow you to present, review and critique the key arguments, issues, and standpoints in the contemporary literature in your chosen area. Literature should be selected from papers published in reputable academic journals.

Support for the development of your assignment.

The module tutor will support you in the development of your work, in terms of recommendations on content and focus. The tutor will expect to discuss with each student individually the progress of the work.

You have the option to email the tutor an outline of your chosen topic for your assignment to get feedback. This should include:

  • Essay topics
  • Plan
  • Rationale for choice
  • Evidence of research (journal articles etc)
  • Examples which you might incorporate
  • Structure
  • Indicative reference list

Other support available free to you.  For help on academic writing, please use Skills for Learning (  They have extensive online resources and also run workshops to help you to construct assignments and on referencing.

Submission requirements:

Your assignment should be submitted via Turnitin in My Beckett.


  • Portrait orientation document
  • Font such as Tahoma, Verdana or Calibri.
  • Font size minimum of 11

Turnitin is a tool which enables the detection of improper use of electronic written materials by students. You have the opportunity to remove and re-submit your work right up until the deadline and make use of the Turnitin system as a tool for developing your academic writing. Your "Turnitin assignments" in the MyBeckett can be set up so that you can check your assignment yourself as you submit it. This checking is done by creating an "Originality Report".  If this report shows that there are some problems with your work, such as un-cited quotations, you should be able to make corrections and re-submit the work again before the due date. This is to respect the values of our academic community.

Component 1 will be assessed on the following criteria:
Assessment Criteria % Weighting Learning Outcomes
Knowledge and Understanding

Broader issues of CCHRM

25% LO1
Argument - Analysis, Synthesis & Evaluation

Critique of the relevant CROSS CULTURAL HRM concepts impacting upon the successful management of International Organisations

40% LO1



Application of concepts to organisations.

Consideration of the Implications for HR managers in an International context to implement appropriate and relevant HR interventions to their sector

25% LO3
Academic skills and competences


Clarity, fluency and logical structure and layout of assignment with all work duly referenced in text and a full bibliography

10% Opportunity to demonstrate academic skills and competences

 Detailed guidance on the assessment components is provided in the module handbook and in the VLE.

All answers should be underpinned by appropriate academic literature wherever applicable.

Late submissions will be penalised under the university regulations.

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