Analysing Social Issue - Reflective Essay Assignment Help

Assignment Help on Socialisation Reflective Essay

Write a reflective essay of 1000 words analysing how religion and cultural background, agencies of socialisation have contributed to

secondary socialisation, including the formation of beliefs, values and social roles.

Use at least two different sociological paradigms or theories to describe and analyse socialisation, noting which approach will find the

most helpful. Refer to the readings relevant academic textbooks and journal articles to support your position.

With this insight, write about one contemporary social issue relating to social inequality and describe

how socialisation may affect how people understand this issue.

Assessment Criteria

The reflective essay will need be assessed by your competency to address the following:

  • Two agencies of socialization are clearly identified and key sociological terms are defined
  • Contemporary social issue related to inequality outlined
  • Appropriate use of the relevant literature to support claims, using at least 6 academic


Structure of reflective essay:

  1. Introduction - main ideas, argument, development, and conclusion clearly and logically


  1. Relevant research and scholarship literature used appropriately to support claims, with at

least 6 academic references used.

  1. Writing style follows guide provided in the learning support website (
  2. In-text referencing and reference list follows APA referencing style (7th ed.) as set out in the


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