Assessment- 1
Research Question- How Artificial Intelligence can help to improve productivity in construction site
The journals must be listed in SCImago Q1 (
Research Objectives
- Investigate the advantages and disadvantages of using AI to manage construction site – 10 articles and get list of adv and disadvantage (as many as possible and group them into 3) – identify which type of AI used from article – Please use relevant article
- 3 advantages (articles no. and page number?)
- 3 disadvantages (articles no. and page number?)
- Determine various ethical issues and solutions in using AI to manage construction site - – 10 articles and get list of ethical issues and solutions (as many as possible and group them into 3) – identify which type of AI used from article 1 – 10
- Ethical issue 1 and solutions (1-3) (articles no. and page number?)
- Ethical issue 2 and solutions (1-3) (articles no. and page number?)
- Ethical issue 3 and solutions (1-3) (articles no. and page number?)
Research on objective 1: Investigate the advantages and disadvantages of using AI to manage Construction site (Please use relevant article)
Research on objective 2: Determine various ethical issues and solutions in using AI to manage Construction site
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