Analyse How the Principles of the Theory Contribute to the Development of Your Own Leadership Abilities

Assignment Help on Analysis and Creative Representation

Assessment 3 Assignment ‘Analysis and Creative Representation

Part A: 500 words

Part B: Creative representation + 100 words Details

This assessment has TWO parts which includes a written assignment (Part A) and a creative representation (Part B).

Part A:

Analysis Using ONE contemporary leadership theory: 

  • Analyse how the principles of the theory contribute to the development of your own leadership abilities.
  • Use current literature to support your analysis.

Part B:

Creative representation Create and present a creative representation of your future leadership development.

  • The representation is a creative analysis of how you plan to develop and grow your own leadership skills using the chosen contemporary leadership theory as a model.
  • The creative representation can be presented in a variety of ways.
  • You may choose any presentation format with the exception of PowerPoint (or other similar programs), these are not acceptable.
  • Provide a brief explanation of the ideas presented in the creative presentation – 100 words maximum.

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