Analyse Business Case Study Relating to Organisational Behaviour - Assignment Help

Assignment Help on Case Study Analysis

Task 1 Analysis Case

Critically analyse a business case study related to Organisational Behaviour (OB), reflecting the practical applications of the theory. 


This assessment task aims to work individually to analyse and evaluate a business case study relating to organisational behaviour.

The learning outcomes addressed in this assessment are:

  • LO1 Critique the fundamental concepts related to workplace and organisational systems such as leadership, management, personality, job-fit, motivation, and classical decision making.
  • LO2 Interrogate contemporary issues related to knowledge workers, diversity, globalisation and culture facing organisations and managers in the working environment.
  • LO3 Critically evaluate the relationship between managerial strategies and effective organisational performance.
  • LO5 Exemplify knowledge, skills, and attitudes that contribute to effective workplace communication and behaviour in organisations.


Using concepts and theories discussed in recent academic research articles, you will perform comprehensive research and analysis on your chosen case study and organisational behaviour topic. Considering the contemporary workplace context, you will individually prepare a case report reflecting your understanding and knowledge of theories in practice.

You are expected to contribute to the case study analysis. This will include:

  • Reading relevant and recent academic articles relating to the OB concepts and theories explored in the case study
  • Contributing to your conceptual knowledge and development of ideas
  • Thinking critically and reflectively to analyse concepts and theories of the OB case study
  • Organising the analysis into a logical structure of discussion and conclusions

IMPORTANT: Research & referencing

In your case analysis report, you are expected to use Harvard-style in-text citations and include a reference list. Check out the pages on Academic integrity & plagiarism opens in new window to understand your responsibilities and Harvard referencing opens in new window to build your skills in formatting.


Case study analysis

  1. You to have a case study related to a specific topic within Organisational behaviour (OB)
  2. Your analysis of the case study must include:
    1. Introduction to the case, including the context of the organisation (e.g. location, culture, structure), and identification of crucial OB issues and/or themes
    2. Critical analysis of the case study reflecting key theory and understanding of contemporary issues within OB
    3. Evaluation of the practical applications and managerial implications of the theory within the case study
    4. Suggestions for improvements in organisation performance that reflect the theory and your personal reflections
    5. Evidence of research scholarship with referencing.
  3. Minimum of five quality peer-reviewed references that are recent (not older than five years), and consistent with Harvard style formatting. No limit to the maximum number of references.
  4. Prepare and review a draft report by Session 3
  5. Maximum word count 1200 words (+/- 10%)
  6. Similarity rates must be below 15%


Case study analysis will be assessed using the following criteria:

  • Quality, correctness, and appropriateness of the theory with coverage of main issues of the case study; and persuasiveness of the arguments presented.
  • Originality and insightfulness of critical analysis reflecting the practical organisational context and managerial implications
  • Originality and insightfulness in personal reflections and providing recommendations on improving managerial and organisational outcomes.
  • Evidence of research scholarship, use of literature and referencing
  • Professionalism in report writing: Writing skills, organisation, structure and logical flow of presentation of content items and arguments in the report.

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