Submission Format
The submission is in the form of an individual investigative report. It should be in a formal business report, written concisely. You must use headings, paragraphs, and subsections as required. All work must be supported with research and referenced using Harvard referencing style (both in-text and end-text citations should be applied). The recommended word limit is 3,000 – 3,500, although you will not be penalized for exceeding the word count.
Unit Learning Outcomes (Assessed by This assessment)
LO1 - Explain the different types, size and scope of organizations.
LO2 - Demonstrate the interrelationship of the various functions within an organization and how they link to organizational structure.
Transferable skills and competencies developed
Understand the classification of different types of organizations based on size, ownership, motive and legal structure.
Analyze the different forms of businesses.
Understand the market forces and the impact of them on business activities.
Analyze the stakeholders of an organization.
Understand the interrelationship between various functions of an organization.
Identify the various organizational structures and analyze their effectiveness.
Formal report writing skills.
Presentation of the findings for decision makers.
Context analysis skills.
Vocational scenario
Ceylon Cold Stores PLC is a leading manufacturer and distributor of Beverages and Frozen Confectionery products, offering an array of exciting portfolio of products catering to customers’ diverse occasions and evolving preferences. Through Elephant House, one of Sri Lanka’s most iconic beverage and ice cream brands, Ceylon Cold Stores PLC (CCS) reaches millions of households across the country and is frequently recognised among the country’s most loved brands. The Group generates significant direct and indirect economic value across its operations, having nurtured extensive relationships with suppliers, farmers, private label manufacturers, distributors and retail outlets. With pandemic-led disruptions and macroeconomic stress resulting in considerable shocks to our supply chain, the Group placed strategic focus on supporting and strengthening value chain partners, thereby increasing its socio-economic value creation.
(Source: CCS Annual Report, 2021-2022)
Assume that you are working as a Junior Management Trainee at Ceylon Cold Stores PLC and are been appointed to compile a report to be presented to your management regarding various forms and structures of organizations and their functions.
*CCS = Ceylon Cold Stores
Assignment activity and guidance
You are required to investigate your organizational context and gather information on the following areas. It is mandate that you present your own critical views based on the analysis as well.
You may use the most recent annual reports of the organization, corporate website and the other valid published materials to carry out your investigation reliably.
Part A
1. Include a brief introduction to the organization.
2. Analize the form of the organization based on the size, ownership and motive. Compare and contrast the relevant form of the organization at least with another three forms of organizations selected from various other industries.
3. Elaborate the criteria that you have used to justify the determination of the organization’s type. (Ex: different business purposes, objectives and supply of goods and services, legal structures). Compare the same with another selected competitive organization of your choice.
4. Analyse the CCS’s approaches to ensure growth and sustainability in the dynamic business environment.
5. Carry out a competitive analysis for the business and the sector that it operates in, using Porter’s Five Forces Analysis. You are required to validate your points based on the real facts and figures along with appropriate use of references.
6. Conduct a stakeholder mapping for the organization and analyse the organization’s approach to meet the needs of its various stakeholders.
Part B
1. Analyse how the various business functions of Ceylon Cold Stores PLC function interdependently and interconnectedly towards the achievement of organization’s financial and non-financial objectives.
2. Evaluate the current organizational structure of the organization and critically analyse if the same organizational structure can be utilized if the organization decided to expand their manufacturing operations to other South Asian countries.
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