AMU3127 Stardom Celebrity Research Proposal

Word count: 750 words (excluding the bibliography)

Instructions: You are required to write a proposal for a research project focusing on a film star of your choice (for assessment task 3 you will then carry out this project). You can choose a star who is being covered in one of the unit's weekly topics, but you would need to ensure that your research goes beyond the issues that were discussed that week. Your proposal should include the following:

• Aims. You need to explain who you will be researching, why you have chosen him/ her, and what it is you hope to find out.

• Question. You should identify the main research question that you will aim to answer.

• Method. Explain how you will conduct this research. Which materials will you use (e.g. which films and which “extra-filmic” materials?) and which theories will you draw upon?

• Research context. Explain which “secondary” sources will be the most important ones for your study – which are the main books or academic articles that will help you with your research? In what ways will these works be useful?

• Bibliography. Include a bibliography listing all the “secondary” sources that you will consult.

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