2017 FMBC Student Ambassador Agreement Name: M \ t+Utt^" t o,-\\o n schoor: IvP'rter Inl 9\ ,^au, lL .Birthdate: )lt1 ' " Emair: ilr.q,tt\rrr" 6 1q-lrc ttt *ffi:,'fgt 1 L1 ^ t S t- 5 I Parent(s) Names: Cre.ltlt /iusoJ fitrre ParentEmail(s): slioirr tp hell.sa,s7,,t , n€/ ParentPhone(s): {(r t bsx lra;t BandDirector Name: frltlctrJ6e A<r,Z Iam awarethatasanFMBCAmbassador,I willbegivenaccessto the FMBC Ambassador FacebookGroup,andapasstoFMBCevents.Iunderstandthat Irepresentthe FMBCand agree toactaccordingly onsocial media andatFMBCevents.I understandthat theFMBCdoes not providetransportationor reimbursementforexpensesincurred relatedto my attendance at FMBCevents outside ofadmission, andthat theFMBC is notresponsibleformysafety or supervision atsuchevents.I understandthatmy/my student'sname, school, and grade will appearalongwith my picture, onFMBCsocial media,websites, and publications,and authorize theuse ofmy likeness andinformation.Personalcontactinformationwillnotbe posted. Student Signature: oV Date: B f' f Parent Signature: BandDirector Signature: Please scanandreturnthisform,alongwithanyquestionsto FMBCStudent Ambassador ProgramCoordinator,CicheleFields, at [email protected] ?,t^ CongratulationsandWelcometothe FMBCFamily!
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